Thanks for the info Jay and for doing some more digging.

I don't really have a strong desire to push everything to xBean 3.5. I was just trying to eliminate the use of multiple xBean versions as this could potentially cause problems (and confusion) for our users.

It looks like we originally moved up to xBean 3.5 (actually 3.5-SNAPSHOT) to resolve a jca context issue (Geronimo-4375). However, it looks like it was soon discovered that there were issues with the OpenEJB, ASM and xBean versions in G. As a result ... we ended up reverting back to an older ASM and xBean 3.3 for finder and reflect while keeping the newer xbean-naming 3.5 so that the original issue was still resolved. That seems to be working and is perhaps the best approach. I was just concerned about using the various xBean versions in our Geronimo 2.1.4 server. Perhaps using the various xBean versions is still the best thing to do here. I didn't realize that there were core issues in OpenEJB attempting to use anything greater than 3.4.1.


Jay D. McHugh wrote:
Hey everyone,

If we want to get OpenEJB 3.0.1 to move up to XBeans 3.5, then I think
that we'll need to chip in to resolve the problems that pop up when you
use a version greater than 3.4.1.

That was the highest version (available at the time) that could be used
in the OpenEJB 3.0 branch without causing errors.

I'll try switching to XBeans 3.5 (after the build I am in the middle of
finishes) and let you all know if it goes through cleanly.

My feeling is that it won't though.

Also, I have been trying to get a 'final' Geronimo 2.0.x release put
together and will need OpenEJB 3.0.1 for that (3.0 no longer builds
because the artifacts for XBeans changed groupIds).


Joe Bohn wrote:
I was relaying the information second-hand ... so it's very possible I
got it wrong.

It looks like there is a dependency xBean in OpenEJB ... but it's 3.4.1
rather than 3.3 (as we have in the branches/2.1).  So, perhaps if we can
convince OpenEJB 3.0.x to xBean 3.5 we can then make the references
consistent in our 2.1 branch.


Donald Woods wrote:
I don't see any dependencies on Xbean in OpenJPA 1.0.x or 1.2.x. Maybe you're thinking about OpenEJB?


Joe Bohn wrote:
I agree we should get a 2.1.4 release out ... and you certainly have
my vote for release manager!

The only thing I would add to the list is to get our xBean references
to a consistent versions.  I noticed this as I was updating
branches/2.1 and trunk to pull in the newly released xBean 3.5.  In
branches/2.1 we have a mix of 3.3 dependencies (finder and reflect)
and 3.5 dependencies (naming).  I've been told that this was due to
OpenJPA dependencies on 3.3.  Now that we are pulling in a new
OpenJPA release we will hopefully be able to update everything to use
xBean 3.5.


Jarek Gawor wrote:

I think it's time for Geronimo 2.1.4 release. We've had a lot of
important fixes since 2.1.3 and we should get them out to our users.
And if we agree, I would also like to volunteer to be a release
manager for this release.

Looking at the current status for 2.1.4 there are still a few things
that we need to do before we can go ahead with the release. I updated

page with some of these items. If there are any open bugs that _need_
to be fixed for 2.1.4 or if I missed anything in that list please just
update that wiki page.


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