On Tue June 30 2009 11:38:35 am Kurt T Stam wrote:
> Thanks for going to test this Jarek.
> It sounds like I would need to being this up with JCP-224 then.

I'm pretty sure you won't like the answer.   :-)

Basically, the jcp224/jaxws folks (and the jaxb folks), at one point long ago, 
specifically decided against making things "Serializable" since the 
Serializable symantics are not honored by the XML serialization.   (example: 
field marks transient would still be written to XML)

Anyway, for the most part, it was a conscious decision.   While that decision 
may or may not apply to the Holder objects, it wouldn't surprise me at all if 
they say something along those lines.

In anycase, it's definitely not something that would change for JAX-WS 
2.0/2.1/2.2 so you would be looking at something at LEAST a year away, 
probably more, which probably doesn't help you now. 


> --Kurt
> Jarek Gawor wrote:
> > Kurt,
> >
> > I'm pretty sure that's what the spec mandates. I can test this out to
> > see if it breaks the TCK signature tests but even if it doesn't you
> > might still run into that problem on Java 6 or later since the
> > javax.xml.ws API are now provided by the JVM. However, I think you
> > could override these JVM API by placing the Geronimo spec jar into the
> > JVM's lib/endorsed directory.
> >
> > I'll test this out and let you know.
> >
> > Jarek
> >
> > On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 7:56 PM, Kurt T Stam<kurt.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hi guys,
> >>
> >> On the jUDDI project one of our APIs uses the javax.ws.xml.Holder class
> >> (which contains jUDDI specific data classes). We have a requirement to
> >> send the entire Holder class over RMI, but Holder is not Serializable. I
> >> think this is a short coming of the implementation.
> >>
> >> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/specs/trunk/geronimo-jaxws_2.2_
> >>spec/src/main/java/javax/xml/ws/Holder.java
> >>
> >> If you agree can this be fixed? Or do you believe that the spec dictates
> >> this?
> >>
> >> Thx,
> >>
> >> --Kurt
> >>
> >> kstam at apache.org

Daniel Kulp

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