On Mar 24, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Marco Laponder wrote:

> Hi
> I am a newbi at building geronimo so it could be by lack of knowledge,in that 
> case forgive me. I am trying to build the 2.2 branch from source. I am at the 
> latest revision (927171) and followed the instructions at 
> http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDEV/building-apache-geronimo.html
> I started with an empty maven repository and am running a mvn clean install. 
> The build fails with a compilation problem:
> /branches/2.2/plugins/connector/geronimo-connector/src/main/java/org/apache/geronimo/connector/work/GeronimoWorkManagerGBean.java:[
> 38,8] cannot find symbol
> symbol  : constructor 
> GeronimoWorkManager(java.util.concurrent.Executor,java.util.concurrent.Executor,java.util.concurrent.Executor,org.apache.geronimo.transact
> ion.manager.XAWork)
> inspecting the constructors on the GeronimoWorkManager I can see :
> public GeronimoWorkManager(GeronimoExecutor sync, GeronimoExecutor start, 
> GeronimoExecutor sched, TransactionContextManager transactionContextManager)
> and I understand that this is not the expected constructor.
> Can anyone explain to me how to fix this problem or tell me what I am doing 
> wrong ?


Where are you getting that signature for the GeronimoWorkManager constructor 
from? That doesn't match -- 

I just removed 
.m2/repository/org/apache/geronimo/components/geronimo-connector/2.1.4 from my 
local maven repo and was able to rebuild successfully.

I also see the automated build ran successfully -- 

The sha checksum of my geronimo-connector-2.1.4.jar is 
fa36907547ad3239128a76d515d83fa3ba4f2ff4 which matches 
 The jar file size is 104357

Are you getting a different jar? 

BTW, I really hate the way that GeronimoWorkManager is in the same "package" as 


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