On Mar 24, 2010, at 4:57 PM, David Jencks wrote:

> On Mar 24, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Sangjin Lee wrote:
>> Thanks. So it sounds like it will be pretty much a *requirement* that 
>> applications on 3.0 need to be fully OSGi bundles,
> Well, the idea is that the geronimo deployment process will turn your javaee 
> app into one or more bundles.  We set up defaults for the osgi manifest 
> headers but you can modify them in your geronimo plans.

Right. So traditional EE apps need not change. You can continue to deploy EE 
defined artifacts (e.g. WAR/EAR/JAR). Users don't need to turn them into 
bundles. Applications that used Geronimo deployment plan dependencies are 
likely to require some changes...

>> and if you were using the shared lib as part of your classloading scheme you 
>> will have to convert them all to OSGi bundles.
> Jars that aren't part of a javaee application need to be converted to bundles 
> before installing them.   I guess we could provide a default conversion but 
> usually this doesn't seem to be adequate in practice.  Do you think this is 
> going to be a problem for users?

David never really liked shared-lib, to begin with... ;-)

If you have compelling use cases, now is definitely a good time to speak up... 
There's certainly a set of users that have found shared lib to be convenient.


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