On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 1:37 PM, David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have most of the new j2ca connector functionality working ok, and finding 
> out whether the rest of it works requires mdbs.  So I'm going to work on 
> getting openejb running in trunk.
> Currently there's a bit of a fight between an osgi extender that registers 
> openejb services set up openejb-style and the same functionality set up 
> through gbeans.  Right now I'm dealing with this by disabling the gbean.  I 
> can see 3 choices here...

There shouldn't be any conflict. The EjbDaemonGBean just configures
the properties for the openejb server services. The openejb extender
tracks these server services. The EjbDaemonGBean & openejb extender
work together or at least they used to.

Initially when I worked on the openejb server services, I was thinking
of using config admin to configure the server service properties. That
way, the openejb services could be configured in the same way when
running openejb inside or outside of Geronimo.


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