Great news.  Congrats!


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Jarek Gawor <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently integrated the JTA and JPA pieces from Aries in Geronimo
> and exposed connection factories in OSGi service registry. With these
> changes we now have all the main pieces in place to deploy unmodified
> Aries Blog sample & AriesTrader on Geronimo. Here's how to do it:
> 1) Make sure you have the latest trunk build. I used tomcat ee 6
> assembly but things should also work with the jetty assembly.
> 2) Deploy the attached aries-datasource connector. It will create the
> data sources & database tables for both samples. To deploy the
> connector do:
> ./bin/deploy -u system -p manager deploy
> ~/.m2/repository/org/tranql/tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa/1.5/tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa-1.5.rar
> aries-datasource.xml
> 3) Build "samples" module in Aries trunk.
> To deploy the Blog sample do:
> ./bin/deploy -u system -p manager deploy <aries
> trunk>/samples/blog/blog-jpa-eba/target/
> or to deploy AriesTrader do:
> ./bin/deploy -u system -p manager deploy <aries
> trunk>/samples/ariestrader-sample/assemblies/ariestrader-all-eba/target/org.apache.aries.samples.ariestrader.all-0.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT.eba
> If all goes well the Blog sample should be available under
> http://localhost:8080/blog and AriesTrader under
> http://localhost:8080/ariestrader.
> Btw, when running the deploy command you might see some "Address
> already in use" exceptions. They can be ignored.
> Let me know if you have any problems,
> Jarek

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