That's terrific Jarek! I'm really happy to see AriesTrader running on Geronimo ... "this is like deja vu all over again" :-)


Jarek Gawor wrote:
Hi all,

I recently integrated the JTA and JPA pieces from Aries in Geronimo
and exposed connection factories in OSGi service registry. With these
changes we now have all the main pieces in place to deploy unmodified
Aries Blog sample & AriesTrader on Geronimo. Here's how to do it:

1) Make sure you have the latest trunk build. I used tomcat ee 6
assembly but things should also work with the jetty assembly.

2) Deploy the attached aries-datasource connector. It will create the
data sources & database tables for both samples. To deploy the
connector do:

./bin/deploy -u system -p manager deploy

3) Build "samples" module in Aries trunk.

To deploy the Blog sample do:

./bin/deploy -u system -p manager deploy <aries

or to deploy AriesTrader do:

./bin/deploy -u system -p manager deploy <aries

If all goes well the Blog sample should be available under
http://localhost:8080/blog and AriesTrader under

Btw, when running the deploy command you might see some "Address
already in use" exceptions. They can be ignored.

Let me know if you have any problems,


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