
-1. Sorry about this but looks like all these artifacts have SNAPSHOT
dependency on the bundles-parent:



On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 2:45 PM, Rick McGuire <rick...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To support the upcoming Geronimo milestone release, I would like to the
> newly created bundles components.
> This components are versions of external Geronimo dependencies that have
> been converted into OSGi jars.
> This is a single vote for all of the converted dependencies required for the
> Geronimo 3.0-M1 release.
> A note on the bundle version numbers.  The numbering scheme uses the version
> number from the original component jar, with a Geronimo version number added
> using a "_n" suffix (all of these are the "_1" version).  The Derby version,
> is not a type.  This is the wrappering based on the
> version of Derby.
> The RAT and IANAL plugins have been run against of the projects.  All tag
> svn versions have been
> successfully built.
>  Vote will be open for 72 hours.
>  [ ] +1  approve
>  [ ] +0  no opinion
>  [ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)
>  Staging repo:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-016/
> All source repos are relative to location
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/bundles/tags
> and have the same final element as the artifact name.
> I am not listing each location individually because the mailing list server
> rejected my
> original email as spam because of the large number of links in the email.  I
> apologize for the incovenience.
>  The following components are being voted on
> bundles-parent-1.0  (this is just the parent pom for all of the bundle
> components)
> aspectjrt-1.6.2_1
> aspectjweaver-1.6.2_1
> axis-1.4_1
> backport-util-concurrent-2.2_1
> castor-1.0.5_1
> commons-digester-1.8_1
> commons-discovery-0.4_1
> derby-all-
> dwr-3.0.M1_1
> httpcore-4.0.1_1
> jaxb-impl-2.2_1
> jstl-1.2_1
> scannotation-1.0.2_1
> sxc-jaxb-0.7.2_1
> sxc-runtime-0.7.2_1
> wadi-aop-2.1.2_1
> wadi-core-2.1.2_1
> wadi-group-2.1.2_1
> wadi-tribes-2.1.2_1
> woden-impl-dom-1.0M8_1
> woodstox-3.2.9_1

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