I think we've put all the jars or wars that could have this file in them in the 
bundle class path, so I would expect bundle.getResources() to provide all the 
possiblilites.  I haven't tried it in this context, but it seems to work for 
something similar -- finding META-INF/resources directories in jars in 
WEB-INF/lib in wars.

david jencks

On Oct 8, 2010, at 9:15 AM, Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:

> The ValidatorFactoryGBean uses Bundle.getEntry() to get to 
> META-INF/validation.xml and WEB-INF/validation.xml files in EJB and Web 
> archives.  This works fine for standalone modules.  When the JAR or WAR is 
> packaged in an EAR file, 
> Bundle.getEntry("<war-modulename>.war/WEB-INF/validation.xml") gets me to the 
> file as WAR file is exploded and repackaged in the EAR whereas 
> Bundle.getEntry("<ejb-modulename>.jar/META-INF/validation.xml") does not work 
> since the EJB jar is stored as is in the EAR.  One option I can think of is 
> to get the EJB jar entry, store it to a temporary file, open it with Jar APIs 
> to get to "META-INF/validation.xml".
> myapp.ear
>  my-ejb.jar (EJB jar is stored as is)
>    +--META-INF
>        +-- validation.xml
>  +--my-web.war (WAR file is exploded, so WEB-INF is a directory in the 
> repackaged EAR)
>      +--WEB-INF
>          +-- validation.xml
>  Is there any Bundle API that will allow to access the content in the nested 
> archives? Or any other way to get to the file of interest without creating 
> temporary files?
> -- 
> Vamsi

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