There is no way to access the nest jar file by native OSGi API, actually,
you could find that, both Felix and Equonix will extract the embeded jar
files in their cache folders.
But you might use those finder classes in xbean package.

2010/10/9 Vamsavardhana Reddy <>

> David,
> Bundle.getResources() does seem to work, but I am afraid it does not help
> me in this case as each EJB jar can have its own META-INF/validation.xml and
> when there are mulitple EJB jars in the EAR, it is not possible to
> distinguish which URL points to the one I am looking for in particular.
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 10:37 PM, David Jencks <>wrote:
>> I think we've put all the jars or wars that could have this file in them
>> in the bundle class path, so I would expect bundle.getResources() to provide
>> all the possiblilites.  I haven't tried it in this context, but it seems to
>> work for something similar -- finding META-INF/resources directories in jars
>> in WEB-INF/lib in wars.
>> thanks
>> david jencks
>> On Oct 8, 2010, at 9:15 AM, Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:
>> The ValidatorFactoryGBean uses Bundle.getEntry() to get to
>> META-INF/validation.xml and WEB-INF/validation.xml files in EJB and Web
>> archives.  This works fine for standalone modules.  When the JAR or WAR is
>> packaged in an EAR file,
>> Bundle.getEntry("<war-modulename>.war/WEB-INF/validation.xml") gets me to
>> the file as WAR file is exploded and repackaged in the EAR whereas
>> Bundle.getEntry("<ejb-modulename>.jar/META-INF/validation.xml") does not
>> work since the EJB jar is stored as is in the EAR.  One option I can think
>> of is to get the EJB jar entry, store it to a temporary file, open it with
>> Jar APIs to get to "META-INF/validation.xml".
>> myapp.ear
>>  my-ejb.jar (EJB jar is stored as is)
>>    +--META-INF
>>        +-- validation.xml
>>  +--my-web.war (WAR file is exploded, so WEB-INF is a directory in the
>> repackaged EAR)
>>      +--WEB-INF
>>          +-- validation.xml
>>  Is there any Bundle API that will allow to access the content in the
>> nested archives? Or any other way to get to the file of interest without
>> creating temporary files?
>> --
>> Vamsi
> --
> Vamsi


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