Installing rngd/rng-tools also can help fix these sorts of problems.


On Jul 14, 2011, at 7:19 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

> From time to time I encounter a problem starting a Geronimo server on a Linux 
> system (I've always seen it on Ubuntu -- but the problem could exist on other 
> distributions). The server start seems to hang. However, if you're patient, 
> which I rarely am, the server will eventually start. If you're inquisitive, 
> and dump the stack traces of the java process, you'll see something like:
> "main" prio=10 tid=0x0000000040c0d800 nid=0xa79 runnable [0x00007f57a04fb000]
>   java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
>       at Method)
>       at
>       at 
>       at 
>       - locked <0x00000000daad63e0> (a java.lang.Object)
>       at 
>       at 
>       at
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       - locked <0x00000000d3b5a768> (a 
>       at
> ...
> This problem isn't Geronimo specific. But since I see it from time to time, 
> thought it would be worth passing along to the community...
> The Sun/Oracle-based JVM is attempting to generate a pseudo-random number to 
> be used as a seed for an SSL server socket. To generate the pseudo-random 
> number, the JVM is reading from the /dev/random device to obtain some random 
> information for the seed. The problem is that reads from the /dev/random 
> device will block if the system does not have a good source of random events. 
> So, the Geronimo server startup is blocked waiting for enough random 
> information to be returned from /dev/random. This article may be help 
> understand the basic issue --
> I'm no security expert. And I don't know the potential implications, but the 
> simplest way that I've found to avoid the problem is to use the /dev/urandom 
> device, instead of /dev/random. Do this by specifying the following java 
> property ''. So, the following should 
> work well:
> $ GERONIMO_OPTS="" ./geronimo run 
> --long
> Note to self -- would be nice to record this on our Wiki somewhere. Anyway, 
> hope this is useful...
> --kevan

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