On Jul 15, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Rainer Jung wrote:


>> And note that due to a bug in the JDK you really need to use
>> /dev/./urandom
>> or
>> /dev//urandom
>> and not
>> /dev/urandom.
>> Oracle themselves already internally use "dev/urandom, but later they
>> switch from /dev/urandom to /dev/random if the setting is trsingwise
>> identical to /dev/random. That's why you need to use some different
>> string that's equivalent to /dev/urandom after path normalization.
>> We had the same problem for Tomcat, mostly when starting two instances
>> in parallel.
> ... and a bit more detail available at:
> http://marc.info/?l=tomcat-dev&m=130182757504685&w=2

Cool. Thanks for the additional information, Rainer.


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