The Apache Geronimo project is very glad to announce the release of Apache
Geronimo v3.0-beta-1 server. It is the first open source solution other
than RI that implements both the Java EE 6.0 Full profile and Web profile

This release has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full
Profile and Web Profile Certification Test Suites, and includes a great
many new features, improvements, bug fixes.

Further more, Geronimo v3.0-beta-1 has transformed its kernel based on OSGi
technology, so it natively supports OSGi programming model and new
technologies in the OSGi enterprise marketplace, including:
- OSGi Blueprint Bundle
- OSGi Web Application Bundle (WAB)
- Enterprise Bundle Application (EBA).

Please see the detail information in the release notes:

A couple highlights are:
Support SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile specification:
- Servlet 3.0
- JSP 2.2
- JSTL 1.2
- JSF 2.0
- EL 2.2
- EJB 3.1
- JPA 2.0
- JTA 1.1
- JTS 1.0
- JDBC 3.0
- JNDI 1.2
- JMS 1.1
- JMX 1.2
- JACC 1.4
- JASS 1.0
- JASPIC 1.0
- JAX-WS 2.2
- JAX-RPC 1.1
- JAXR 1.0
- JAXB 2.2
- JAXP 1.3
- SAAJ 1.3
- Java Mail 1.4
- DI 1.0
- Bean Validation 1.0
- Common Annotations 1.0
- CDI and DI 1.0
- Debugging support for other languages 1.0
- Managed Beans 1.0
- Interceptors 1.1.

For details about Full Profile specifications, please visit Java EE
specifications website.

Support OSGi Core Specification v4.3 and part of Enterprise Specification
v4.2, including:
- Configuration Admin Service Specification
- Blueprint Container Specification
- Web Applications Specification
- JNDI Services Specification
- JPA service Specification
- JMX Management Model Specification.

For details about OSGi specifications, please visit OSGi Alliance website.

You can download the source jar and binary assemblies from

The geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-3.0-beta-1 assembly has passed the Java
Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile Certification Test Suite.
And the geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-web-3.0-beta-1 assembly has  passed Java
Enterprise Edition 6.0 Web Profile Certification Test Suite.

Thanks very much to various ASF partner projects that we include, e.g.
Apache Tomcat, OpenJPA, OpenEJB, ActiveMQ, MyFaces, OpenWebBeans, Axis2,
Aries etc.
And also a big THANK YOU to all committers and contributors for this
release!  Great work everyone!

Rex Wang,

Apache Geronimo Project


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