Well done, everyone !

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Rex Wang <rwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The Apache Geronimo project is very glad to announce the release of Apache
> Geronimo v3.0-beta-1 server. It is the first open source solution other
> than RI that implements both the Java EE 6.0 Full profile and Web profile
> specifications.
> This release has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full
> Profile and Web Profile Certification Test Suites, and includes a great
> many new features, improvements, bug fixes.
> Further more, Geronimo v3.0-beta-1 has transformed its kernel based on
> OSGi technology, so it natively supports OSGi programming model and new
> technologies in the OSGi enterprise marketplace, including:
> - OSGi Blueprint Bundle
> - OSGi Web Application Bundle (WAB)
> - Enterprise Bundle Application (EBA).
> Please see the detail information in the release notes:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/server/tags/geronimo-3.0-beta-1/RELEASE_NOTES-3.0-beta-1.txt
> A couple highlights are:
> Support SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile specification:
> - Servlet 3.0
> - JSP 2.2
> - JSTL 1.2
> - JSF 2.0
> - EL 2.2
> - EJB 3.1
> - JPA 2.0
> - JTA 1.1
> - JTS 1.0
> - JDBC 3.0
> - JNDI 1.2
> - JMS 1.1
> - JMX 1.2
> - JACC 1.4
> - JASS 1.0
> - JASPIC 1.0
> - JAX-WS 2.2
> - JAX-RPC 1.1
> - JAX-RS
> - JAXR 1.0
> - JAXB 2.2
> - JAXP 1.3
> - SAAJ 1.3
> - Java Mail 1.4
> - DI 1.0
> - Bean Validation 1.0
> - Common Annotations 1.0
> - CDI and DI 1.0
> - Debugging support for other languages 1.0
> - Managed Beans 1.0
> - Interceptors 1.1.
> For details about Full Profile specifications, please visit Java EE
> specifications website.
> Support OSGi Core Specification v4.3 and part of Enterprise Specification
> v4.2, including:
> - Configuration Admin Service Specification
> - Blueprint Container Specification
> - Web Applications Specification
> - JNDI Services Specification
> - JPA service Specification
> - JMX Management Model Specification.
> For details about OSGi specifications, please visit OSGi Alliance website.
> You can download the source jar and binary assemblies from
> http://geronimo.apache.org/apache-geronimo-v30-beta-1-release.html
> The geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-3.0-beta-1 assembly has passed the Java
> Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile Certification Test Suite.
> And the geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-web-3.0-beta-1 assembly has  passed Java
> Enterprise Edition 6.0 Web Profile Certification Test Suite.
> Thanks very much to various ASF partner projects that we include, e.g.
> Apache Tomcat, OpenJPA, OpenEJB, ActiveMQ, MyFaces, OpenWebBeans, Axis2,
> Aries etc.
> And also a big THANK YOU to all committers and contributors for this
> release!  Great work everyone!
> Rex Wang,
> Apache Geronimo Project
> 2011-11-15


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