On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Forrest Xia <forres...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I got some time to try the trunk change locally after G 2.1.8 release
> stuffs are basically done :-)
> Several findings about the trunk changes:
> 1. The server trunk can only be compiled with Maven 3, that's the reason
> it failed to compile in the TCK environment(the maven version used in TCK
> env is 2.2.1). I will update the TCK env in the coming days.
> 2. The testsuite cannot be executed since geronimo-maven-plugin cannot
> launch the server now. This issue will also block TCK execution.
> 3. The command line interfaces has big changes, I cannot find
> startup/shutdown/geronimo scripts now. I do not look into the changes
> further, so I even don't know how to launch the server now.
Sorry, I reread the mail thread and got known that how to start the server
now: bin/karaf -l

> So generally, I think we need a introduction about how to use the trunk
> build now.
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Forrest Xia <forres...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 2:27 AM, David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com>wrote:
>>> I pushed a karaf snapshot.... maybe that will help?  I don't see this
>>> problem locally.
>> No help for server build in AHP, I will try it locally. thanks!
>>> thanks
>>> david jencks
>>> On Dec 21, 2011, at 8:18 AM, Forrest Xia wrote:
>>> Trunk build failed with this error when building a new module *Geronimo
>>> Framework, Feature :: DS and Metatype*
>>>  [INFO] Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal
>>> 'org.apache.karaf.tooling:karaf-maven-plugin:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT:features-generate-descriptor':
>>> Unable to find the mojo 'features-generate-descriptor' (or one of its
>>> required components) in the plugin
>>> 'org.apache.karaf.tooling:karaf-maven-plugin'
>>>  Component descriptor cannot be found in the component repository:
>>> org.sonatype.aether.RepositorySystem.
>>> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 2:06 PM, David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com>wrote:
>>>> BTW, to get the regions/isolation stuff working I think we are going to
>>>> need to replace our use of BundleListener/SynchronousBundleListener with
>>>> the (updated-for-4.3) aries RecursiveBundleTracker.  I think we'll need
>>>> also change from ConfigurationActivator to an extender pattern.  I'd guess
>>>> the ConfigurationActivator functionality could be moved to
>>>> DependencyManager rather than having an additional tracker.
>>>> thanks
>>>> david jencks
>>>> On Dec 20, 2011, at 10:13 AM, David Jencks wrote:
>>>> OK, I just committed this stuff, with reference to 
>>>> GERONIMO-6240<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-6240>
>>>> .
>>>> Some more hints....
>>>> I can build all the way through with
>>>> MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=2048m -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m"
>>>> I can start karaf after setting
>>>> export JAVA_MAX_MEM=2048m
>>>> export JAVA_MAX_PERM_MEM=512m
>>>> The car packaging is set up to stop and wait if it gets stuck.  In an
>>>> earlier version of this you'd get the karaf console and you could use karaf
>>>> commands to investigate what was going on.  For some reason this isn't
>>>> working now.  If you get into this situation, you need to kill the maven
>>>> java process some way.  Usually setting a breakpoint at DependencyManager
>>>> line 571 will show you a bundle that has a resolution problem that you can
>>>> then fix.
>>>> The problem with the console deploy-type commands I think relates to
>>>> using the karaf RMIRegistry.  I'm going to modify it so it includes the
>>>> port as a service property, then we can look for the osgi service and get
>>>> its port instead of the port gbean attribute.
>>>> thanks
>>>> david jencks
>>>> On Dec 19, 2011, at 9:10 PM, David Jencks wrote:
>>>> more not-yet-working inline
>>>> On Dec 19, 2011, at 5:08 PM, David Jencks wrote:
>>>> I've been spending a lot of time working to rebase geronimo on karaf 3
>>>> so we can have a maintainable future and get stuff like osgi 4.3, up to
>>>> date aries components, and the experimental region support now in karaf.
>>>> After a lot of work I have everything except clustering building and
>>>> after turning off a couple problematic modules the tomcat-javaee6 server
>>>> starts and the web admin console appears to work at least a little bit.
>>>>   I'd like a little vacation this year and would like to commit this work
>>>> first so that others can help with the loose ends if they like.  I'll
>>>> probably be around to answer questions in any case.
>>>> The modules that don't start are:
>>>> activemq-broker-blueprint.  The ${X + Y} stuff is not getting evaluated
>>>> at all.  I don't know if this is an xbean-blueprint problem or an aries
>>>> blueprint problem or a side effect of running in geronimo.
>>>> As a result activemq-ra and tomcat-console-activemq can't be started.
>>>> client-deployer.  I think this is a pretty simple gbean name problem
>>>> but I haven't looked into it.
>>>> Here are some of the changes:
>>>> -- assemble the server using a combination of karaf assembly from
>>>> features and kars and geronimo assembly from geronimo plugins.  We now use
>>>> the same base karaf assembly stuff as the normal default full karaf
>>>> assembly (except I might have left out the spring feature repository).
>>>> -- basic geronimo components such as the kernel, configuration manager,
>>>> dependency manager, deployer, and service config builder are set up as osgi
>>>> declarative services so they start without any geronimo configuration.
>>>>  They are generally configured through config admin as appropriate.  Most
>>>> of these also have gbean wrappers so they can be accessed through gbean
>>>> references.
>>>> -- "geronimo" is started from a DS component, EmbeddedDaemon.
>>>> -- I think I'm using the karaf remote jmx security rather than ours.
>>>>  The capabilities are similar but not identical.
>>>> Some other things that are not working yet:
>>>> -- The (gogo) geronimo console commands that work through "remote"
>>>> gbean proxies don't work AFAIK.  Probably one way to fix this would be to
>>>> expose some more of the DS components using gbean wrappers, but I haven't
>>>> looked into this yet.
>>>> -- the app client (as well as the client-deployer) is not working yet
>>>> at all.  We may be able to use command line args to tell the EmbeddedDaemon
>>>> it's an app client, or possibly not.  We may be able to use a karaf
>>>> instance to supply different ConfigAdmin settings to e.g. the local
>>>> attribute manager to convince it it's an app client.  Similarly the
>>>> separate console-like things presumably won't work either.
>>>> -- the EditableConfigurationManager needs to be replaced by a separate
>>>> component that edits the configuration it gets from the normal
>>>> configuration manager.  I think this affects some part of the admin 
>>>> console.
>>>> --I couldn't get the xml stream 1.2 and jaxb 2.2 to work with the spec
>>>> jars as bundles.    According to
>>>> http://servicemix.396122.n5.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Enhance-specs-to-work-better-with-JRE-td5001108.htmleven
>>>>  if you do get them to work (as we seem to have up to now by not
>>>> exposing the packages from the framework) that breaks other stuff.  I think
>>>> we need to investigate the karaf-activator stuff guillaume wrote and adapt
>>>> our specs to use it.  At the moment I have the framework lying and claiming
>>>> later versions for the xmlstream and jaxb packages.  I haven't found any
>>>> documentation for karaf-activator yet.
>>>> -- the build uses a lot more memory.  I typically run out of permgen
>>>> twice during the build with MAVEN_OPTS =  -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms1024m
>>>> -Xmx2048m
>>>> -- startup AFAIK only works as ./bin/karaf -l rather than our geronimo
>>>> scripts.  Again, I have to increase memory settings for the server to fully
>>>> start.
>>>> I'f there's no strong opposition I'd like to commit this tomorrow.
>>>> Many thanks
>>>> david jencks
>>>> david jencks
>>> --
>>> Thanks!
>>> Regards, Forrest
>> --
>> Thanks!
>> Regards, Forrest
> --
> Thanks!
> Regards, Forrest


Regards, Forrest

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