I don't think anyone is actively working on the geronimo server at the moment 
(happy to be proven wrong….).  Options I can think of are:

- integrate a more recent tomcat yourself, hopefully providing patches.

- use karaf with jetty

david jencks

On Sep 22, 2014, at 6:35 AM, dad <gnetb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are doing osgi development on geronimo 3.01 currently and we need to be 
> able to use websocket. We understand the current tomcat bundled with geronimo 
> does not have websocket implementation. So we'd like to know what the plans 
> are to make websocket available in geronimo.
> If it's not any time soon, could you please advise what alternatives we can 
> consider.
> Many thanks

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