Can we have a weekend moratorium on this thread so we call all cool off?

I’d like to toss out some important points to consider over the weekend.

it’s ok for there to be multiple ASF projects that accomplish the exact same 
any competent person is welcome to join any ASF project
the Apache Software Foundation, itself, does not submit JSRs
It’s ok for there to be multiple ASF projects that accomplish the exact same 

There is no land grab of ideas or product spaces here at the ASF.  If a bunch 
of people I wanted to implement a map/reduce system we could. The fact that 
Apache Hadoop is in existence shouldn’t be a barrier.  I’ll go even further and 
say that because of AL2.0, we could fork bits, or even co-opt huge swaths of 
code, from Apache Hadoop and use it to our own means.  The only criteria the 
ASF would hold our new project to is that of a healthy vibrant community.

Any competent person is welcome to join any ASF project

Anyone could join our new fictitious project, even Apache Hadoop developers.  
An interesting result of this is that just because people worked on Apache 
Hadoop, they are not married to Apache Hadoop.  They are not traitors if they 
decide to also dabble in our new project.  So long as there are healthy vibrant 
communities on both sides, e.g. interactions are done in a respectful manner, 
it’s all good in the eyes of the ASF.

The Apache Software Foundation, itself, does not incubate/submit JSRs

The protocol etiquette of submitting a JSR is, thankfully, the JCP’s headache 
and such discussions should take place outside of the ASF project mailing 
lists.  Also, just because a project is a part of the ASF does not ensure that 
it will be a viable JSR. Being an ASF project does not imply that the ASF 
explicitly or implicitly endorses it as a JSR contender. IMHO, it may be a bit 
premature to submit a JSR for this problem domain; jm2c.


> On Jul 14, 2016, at 3:10 PM, Mark Struberg <> wrote:
> Hi folks!
> I’ve started to extract the configuration work I’ve done in OWB, MyFaces and 
> DeltaSpike into an own little project.
> For the MyFaces and DeltaSpike parts I got help from ASF member Gerhard 
> Petracek.
> My goal is to establish an own JSR for configuration.
> So far it consists of 2 classes for the API and 4 classes for the SPI.
> The source can be found here.
> And that’s pretty much it! There is not much more needed for it.
> I would love to move this to Geronimo. Simply because geronimo is kind of an 
> EE-commons for the ASF nowadays ;)
> wdyt?
> LieGrue,
> strub

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