You’re welcome to ticker around w/ configuration with the Geronimo JEE pantheon.

Tamaya developers are welcome ticker around w/ configuration with the Geronimo 
JEE pantheon.

It’s ok if Geronimo has two, or even more, different configuration mechanisms.  
I predict that the config adapter to accommodate the two would be pretty damn 
interesting, especially if it were a result of collaboration between Tamaya 
developers and your team, Mark.

I will explicitly point out, as I’ve said in other emails on this topic, 
discussions of JSR/JCP have no place on these mailing lists, usually.

With that said, how can we help?  I know that we need to pull off the dust 
covers of a lot of our tooling.  I’m generating an inventory of what’s fallen 
into disrepair.


> On Jul 14, 2016, at 3:10 PM, Mark Struberg <> wrote:
> Hi folks!
> I’ve started to extract the configuration work I’ve done in OWB, MyFaces and 
> DeltaSpike into an own little project.
> For the MyFaces and DeltaSpike parts I got help from ASF member Gerhard 
> Petracek.
> My goal is to establish an own JSR for configuration.
> So far it consists of 2 classes for the API and 4 classes for the SPI.
> The source can be found here.
> And that’s pretty much it! There is not much more needed for it.
> I would love to move this to Geronimo. Simply because geronimo is kind of an 
> EE-commons for the ASF nowadays ;)
> wdyt?
> LieGrue,
> strub

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