Dear all,

I have been working with Giraph for quite some time now, and I focused on 
developing distributed layout algorithms with it. With my work I earned three 
publications on the subject (two on conferences and one on journal, links after 
the signature) and I would now like to insert my algorithm (a force-directed 
single and multi-level layout) into the Giraph library of examples.

If the community sees this as a valuable addition, I would be really glad to 
proceed (I do not know if a thread on Jira would be created, since I’m not 
familiar with it I will leave that to you) especially given the close release 
of version 1.2.0.

Keep up the good work :)


Ing. Alessio Arleo

Dottorando in Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione

Dottore Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica e dell’Automazione
Dottore in Ingegneria Informatica ed Elettronica

Linkedin: <>
Skype: Ing. Alessio Arleo

Tel: +39 075 5853920
Cell: +39 349 0575782


Arleo, A., Didimo, W., Liotta, G., & Montecchiani, F. (2015). A Million Edge 
Drawing for a Fistful of Dollars. In Graph Drawing and Network Visualization 
(pp. 44-51). Springer International Publishing.

Arleo, A., Didimo, W., Liotta, G., & Montecchiani, F. (2016). A Distributed 
Force-Directed Algorithm on Giraph: Design and Experiments. Preprint submitted 
to Information Science, arXiv arXiv:1606.02162

Arleo, A., Didimo, W., Liotta, G., & Montecchiani, F. (2016). A Distributed 
Multilevel Force-directed Algorithm, accepted at the International Graph 
Drawing and Network Visualization Symposium (GD 2016), arXiv 1608.08522

Further information: <> <>multigila

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