On 10/09/2013, at 10:50 AM, Thibault Delor <delor.thiba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have just tried on my work computer (macbook pro, Oracle JDK 1.7 ) and the 
> build works. I always use the gradle wrapper, so it can't be the version of 
> gradle. I will try to clean my environment and se if it fixes it. I will also 
> try to compile with a different JDK. 

You might get some more clues by manually building it. You can use `./gradlew 
-u -p buildSrc clean build` and see what happens.

> Anyway, Do we really need to execute checkstyle, codenarc and the tests in 
> buildsrc?? Seems a bit useless to me, nope?

For a dev build, yes. For a CI build, no. At the moment you don't get a choice 
with buildSrc, so if something is required for a certain type of build, then it 
has to happen for every build. This is something we want to fix at some point, 
so that buildSrc becomes more like (or exactly like) a regular project).

> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 8:00 AM, Thibault Delor <delor.thiba...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hey,
> I am trying to build gradle from the source but for some reasons I am stuck 
> to :buildSrc:codenarcMain.
> This is the output :
> 02:34:49.975 [DEBUG] [org.codenarc.ant.CodeNarcTask] Adding report: 
> HtmlReportWriter[outputFile=/home/tibo/IDEAWorkspace/gradle/buildSrc/build/reports/codenarc/main.html,
>  title=null]
> 02:34:49.985 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.project.ant.AntLoggingAdapter] 
> Class org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.And loaded from parent loader 
> (parentFirst)
> 02:34:49.985 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.project.ant.AntLoggingAdapter] 
> Class org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.selectors.And loaded from parent 
> loader (parentFirst)
> 02:34:49.986 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.project.ant.AntLoggingAdapter] 
> Class org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Or loaded from parent loader 
> (parentFirst)
> 02:34:49.986 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.project.ant.AntLoggingAdapter] 
> Class org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.selectors.Or loaded from parent 
> loader (parentFirst)
> 02:34:50.041 [INFO] [org.codenarc.ruleregistry.PropertiesFileRuleRegistry] 
> Loaded properties file in 19ms; 305 rules
> 02:34:50.065 [INFO] [org.codenarc.ruleset.XmlFileRuleSet] Loading ruleset 
> from [file:/home/tibo/IDEAWorkspace/gradle/config/codenarc.xml]
> 02:34:50.166 [INFO] [org.codenarc.ruleset.XmlFileRuleSet] Loading ruleset 
> from [rulesets/braces.xml]
> 02:34:50.250 [INFO] [org.codenarc.ruleset.XmlFileRuleSet] Loading ruleset 
> from [rulesets/imports.xml]
> 02:34:50.310 [INFO] [org.codenarc.ruleset.XmlFileRuleSet] Loading ruleset 
> from [rulesets/naming.xml]
> 02:34:50.446 [INFO] [org.codenarc.ruleset.PropertiesFileRuleSetConfigurer] 
> RuleSet configuration properties file [codenarc.properties] not found.
> 02:34:50.450 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.project.ant.AntLoggingAdapter] 
> fileset: Setup scanner in dir 
> /home/tibo/IDEAWorkspace/gradle/buildSrc/src/main/groovy with patternSet{ 
> includes: [] excludes: [] }
> 02:34:51.420 [INFO] [org.codenarc.ant.AntFileSetSourceAnalyzer] Analysis 
> time=973ms
> 02:34:51.425 [DEBUG] [org.codenarc.CodeNarcRunner] 
> results=DirectoryResults(null) [DirectoryResults(org) 
> [DirectoryResults(org/gradle) [DirectoryResults(org/gradle/build) 
> [DirectoryResults(org/gradle/build/docs) 
> [DirectoryResults(org/gradle/build/docs/dsl) 
> [DirectoryResults(org/gradle/build/docs/dsl/docbook) 
> [DirectoryResults(org/gradle/build/docs/dsl/docbook/model) []], 
> DirectoryResults(org/gradle/build/docs/dsl/source) []]]], 
> DirectoryResults(org/gradle/plugins) 
> [DirectoryResults(org/gradle/plugins/jsoup) [], 
> DirectoryResults(org/gradle/plugins/pegdown) []]]]]
> > 07:48:21.7 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.process.internal.ExecHandleRunner] Abort 
> > requested. Destroying process: Gradle Worker 1.
> > Loading > :buildSrc:codenarcMain
> Why is it trying to do that? I couldn't skip it with -x, Is there a way to 
> skip that?
> Context : 
>  - I was doing gradle idea
>  - I am on the master branch and up to date
>  - I am running on debian with Open JDK 1.7
>  - I have a good computer (core i7, 8GB of RAM, ...)
> Cheers,
> Tibo

Adam Murdoch
Gradle Co-founder
VP of Engineering, Gradleware Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting

Join us at the Gradle eXchange 2013, Oct 28th in London, UK: 

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