I have another question. One of test cases in the spec is Publish via
'sftp' to ivy repository with multiple ivyPattern and artifactPattern
configured - what do we want to verify here? I've noticed that when
publishing to such a repository the first ivy pattern and artifact pattern
are used. Should the test case assert that this happens?

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:22 PM, Marcin Erdmann

> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 7:56 PM, Adam Murdoch <adam.murd...@gradleware.com
> > wrote:
>> Yet, there is plenty to be done on error handling and making sure all
>> resources are being released even in error scenarios - so the boring but
>> important parts.
>> I have one question about error handling. There are three types of
>> failures listed in the spec: invalid credentials, cannot connect to the
>> server and everything else (called server exception). I think that we
>> probably want to extract all permission related errors (when both resolving
>> and uploading) as a separate error type so that the error message provides
>> user an idea that the error is permission related as it feels that it might
>> be a common error. What do you think?
>> The key is to make the error message informative at this stage, which we
>> don't necessarily need a new type for. If we formalise 'not authorised'
>> problems in the resource APIs then we would also need to update the file
>> and http backed resource implementations to. So, I'd leave this as a later
>> refactoring.
> What I meant here by a new type is not a new exception class but to
> differentiate permission errors from generic errors when it comes to what
> message is being shown when such an error occurs. At the moment I'm
> throwing a new runtime exception of type SftpException with a message
> saying what has happened (invalid credentials, connection error) and where
> (host and port part of the url). I was asking if we should check if we have
> permissions to perform a given operation (file download or upload,
> directory creation, etc) and if not throw a SftpException with a message
> saying that permission was denied to do it.
>> Also, DefaultExternalResourceRepository requires an implementation of an
>> ExternalResourceLister yet it is currently not exercised by any test - to
>> be honest I haven't looked into how it's used and what kind of tests would
>> be needed for it so any pointers would be appreciated. Do we want to add
>> some tests to the initial story for that?
>> It's used whenever there's a dynamic version in a dependency declaration.
>> So, if you've got one of these in one of the tests somewhere, then we're
>> good.
> I don't have a test like that yet so I will add some. Thanks for pointing
> me in the right direction.
>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 3:56 AM, Adam Murdoch <adam.murd...@gradleware.com
>> > wrote:
>>> On 6 Mar 2014, at 7:33 am, Marcin Erdmann <marcin.erdm...@proxerd.pl>
>>> wrote:
>>> I finally got my head around the contract of ExternalResourceAccessor
>>> and after doing some reverse engineering of HttpResourceAccessor and
>>> Ivy's SFTPResolver as well as skimming SFTP protocol specs the following
>>> are my findings and questions:
>>> Error handling is far from perfect in both clients - they only return a
>>> generic error when you try to get file metadata for a file that doesn't
>>> exist but there seems to be a specific substatus for such situation called 
>>> I can see that this substatus is returned by SSHD's implementation of SFTP
>>> server when accessing files that don't exist even though the spec(
>>> http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-00.txt) cryptically
>>> describes it as "is returned when a reference is made to a file which
>>> should exist but doesn't" - this should but doesn't part baffles me a
>>> bit. Anyway I will assume that this substatus is returned whenever trying
>>> to stat a non-existing file.
>>> I'm going to use SSHD's client as it seems to be better maintained and I
>>> like it more. I will be also able to easily change it's behavior when it
>>> comes to handling the aforementioned SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE substatus.
>>> We will probably want to throw a specific contextual exception when
>>> credentials are incorrect, right?
>>> At this stage, I think it's sufficient that the error message gives the
>>> user some idea that the credentials are incorrect. Eventually, it would be
>>> nice to tell the difference, if possible.
>>> It feels like we want to have separate ssh sessions for getting metadata
>>> and getting the file - the fact that you request an ExternalResource
>>> doesn't mean that you will ever read it and thus close it, but you need to
>>> open a ssh session to get the metadata. So the idea here is to open a
>>> session, get metadata to see if the resource exists and close the session
>>> possibly passing the metadata to the created ExternalResource if the
>>> resource exists. Then, if resource contents are requested open a new
>>> session and close it when close() is called on the ExternalResource. Are we
>>> ok with such approach?
>>> Yes, for now. I think at some point we will rework
>>> the ExternalResourceAccessor interface so that it can better deal with the
>>> fact that for some transports (file, sftp), the meta-data for a resource
>>> and the content for a resource have to be fetched as separate operations.
>>> The interface at the moment assumes that it's cheap-ish to get the
>>> meta-data at the same time the content is requested.
>>> This way, the caller can decide whether it needs the meta-data or not,
>>> and invoke the appropriate operations - get meta-data, get content or get
>>> meta-data and content (if supported).
>>>   --
>>> Adam Murdoch
>>> Gradle Co-founder
>>> http://www.gradle.org
>>> VP of Engineering, Gradleware Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting
>>> http://www.gradleware.com
>> --
>> Adam Murdoch
>> Gradle Co-founder
>> http://www.gradle.org
>> VP of Engineering, Gradleware Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting
>> http://www.gradleware.com

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