Hi dev@gradle,

we recently have discovered some problem with dependent "jar" projects
for a "war" project, such that

1. Eclipse does not recognize it due to missing jst.utiltiy facet
2. The "Deployment Assembly" will get all the dependencies of the
project but by default just the dependencies of "runtime" configurations
should apply.

I have already made some patches for this, but no further tests
currently, see
I have tested with a project in question by creating an own gradle
version using the "install" task.

Now my questions:

1. Is there anything else to be aware of or can I just create a pull
request after implementing some tests?

2. Furthermore, I want to configure the "eclipse.wtp.facet" on my "jar"
project but I need to use "gradle.projectsEvaluated" (see also my
This is required because in
"org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.EclipseWtpPlugin" all the configuration
is done in "doLaterWithEachDependedUponEclipseProject(Project)". I have
tried to remove the "project.gradle.projectsEvaluated" closure but has
not helped. Even worse, this causes the "eclipse.wtp.facet" to be not
configurated at all :-(

I have also tried to add a configuration for "JavaPlugin" not just
"WarPlugin" and "EarPlugin" but this causes the complete
"EclipseWtpPlugin" to break down for "war"s (IMHO due to "WarPlugin"
also applies "JavaPlugin" and the ".withType" is always executed first
for "JavaPlugin", not for "WarPlugin" if available).

I am really curious to get further information about this. Also I would
be interessted in helping with the "Improved Tooling & IDE support" on
the roadmap.

Best regards,

Andreas Schmid
Leonhardiweg 53
81829 München

Tel.: +49 176 10276440
Email: serv...@aaschmid.de

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