On 21.09.2016 00:20, Cédric Champeau wrote:
I'm not able to answer the question why Gradle modifies the environment
(I'm sure it does for good reasons), but we need to make it work on
different platforms without having to publish a specific version for JDK
9. It's really unfortunate such a "feature" landed after the feature
freeze. Our commitment that Gradle 3 runs on JDK 9 isn't true anymore,
and it's hard to fix. Especially, the second exception you are seeing
comes from a 3rd party library. I'm pretty sure we will face tons of
those issues, especially in an environment where plugins are legion.

a workaround would be to use "--add-exports-private java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED" That should make the build work again... but of course it does not really solve the problem. And I actually do not think that switches like that are good for gradle, if that means I will run later my own programs with those switches enabled only from the build... because in the deployed state I will not have them set and then things break apart.

bye Jochen

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