Hi Jochen,

it took me some time to get back to you ;)

You can check out the code here:

Here is the travis build

If I run the tests in Idea it all works fine, but it blows up with gradle.



Am 22.11.2017 um 09:17 schrieb Jochen Theodorou:
> Am 22.11.2017 um 02:11 schrieb Leonard Brünings:
>> Great now I run into another problem, spock uses groovy-all, which
>> repackages asm.
>> The BytecodeExpression has a MethodVisitor from asm, which is now in
>> groovyjarjarasm.asm.MethodVisitor
>> This compiles fine, but when the AST transforms are executed it
>> breaks down with this exception:
>> Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation:
>> loader (instance of groovy/lang/GroovyClassLoader) previously
>> initiated loading for a different type with name
>> "groovyjarjarasm/asm/MethodVisitor"
> that hints you have 2 Groovy versions running and you did already load
> one and now try to load the other through the same class. Solcing that
> requires a look at your setup
> bye Jochen

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