And do you honestly think that trying to hide that by not using the Kotlin
DSL would change anything?

Le mer. 20 mars 2019 à 21:45, Sergio Del Amo <> a
écrit :

> I do in fact see this as at least a minor threat.  If Groovy itself can't
> even manage to use the Gradle Groovy DSL, what hope remains for the
> survival of the Groovy DSL?
> Agree. I see a threat at least to Gradle Groovy DSL survival and probably
> to Groovy in general. One may reason: If the Groovy programming language
> build, which is manipulated by the people with more Groovy knowledge in the
> planet, moved to Kotlin DSL, why should anyone else keep using the Gradle
> Groovy DSL.
> Sergio
> On 20 Mar 2019, at 16:00, Milles, Eric (TR Tech, Content & Ops) <
>> wrote:
> I tried to get some info from Gradle on adding Eclipse DSLD for Gradle and
> they scoffed at me.  They said it was a multi-person, multi-year effort so
> why even try.  I was able to get some very basic support without that
> much effort.  It could be moved forward and probably ported to IntelliJ as
> well if there was some interest and support.
> With regards to the change to the Groovy build script.  I'm not sure
> newcomers are diving into the build scripts and making edits there.
> My intuition is that they are running "./gradlew build" or whatever the
> command is.  As long as the scripts run successfully, I'd posit a newcomer
> is quite happy.
> I do in fact see this as at least a minor threat.  If Groovy itself can't
> even manage to use the Gradle Groovy DSL, what hope remains for the
> survival of the Groovy DSL?

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