It was of course not directed against Cédric, I was just making a point for what I consider the best interests of Groovy. I have already replied to Thibault Kruse that it is evident Cédric has been pondering this move for years. I don't envy the position he evidently has been in for the last years, so I can understand, and it might actually be the best move for him. But people always need a scapegoat for anything that happens they do not like, so anyone wanting to blame this on me, feel free to do so...


On 24/03/2019 21:46, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

First of all it would be nice of Cedric to explain what post it was that
triggered him like this. I still have trouble reading that post from MG
like that.

And sure there is a conflict of interests here, between Gradle and
Groovy. Gradle wants the best support for their developers for the
cheapest prize. And the choice is here between something seemingly
difficult to teach the IDEs and somebody else doing the work for/with
you, giving you a chance to modernize the DSL as well. Not wanting
sentimental thoughts getting in the way of business they did the right
choice in the long term. Of course realization reality and motivation

Cedric has always been on our side, making his stand in Gradle a
difficult one. It is no wonder he reacts harsh if somebody gives him the
impression he works against Groovy. If it was that post I am sure MG did
not mean it personal at all. And if it really was that post, it would be
a nice gesture of MG to apologize (even it was not ment like that) and
for Cedric to reconsider.

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