Can the open collective team recognize significant achievements in the 
community and make awards?  You could announce one award per major conference 
(Gr8conf, Greach, Whatever2gm).

From: Søren Berg Glasius <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 9:50 AM
Cc: Jochen Theodorou
Subject: Re: Groovy Champions proposal feedback

How can we revive this discussion? I still think it's relevant.


Best regards / Med venlig hilsen,
Søren Berg Glasius

Hedevej 1, Gl. Rye, 8680 Ry, Denmark
Mobile: +45 40 44 91 88, Skype: sbglasius
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On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 at 17:40, MG <<>> 
...and, of course, the

Apache Groovy Community Lifetime Achievement Award


Like the name, +1 (again) on tying the award to a specific year, don't
think that mixing commit access with the award makes sense (as in
programming: Keep things single purpose - nobdy wants to be fat, be it
class or human ;-) )

On 02.03.2018 10:11, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
> hi all,
> I was thinking a while about all this and all the problems involved
> here and I want to show an alternative.
> Apache Groovy Community Award
> Name surely to be changed. The idea is to give a nominal award for
> what they did in the past. Somebody getting this award will get this
> for a reason, which is to be stated.
> Since it is no title like "champion" and since we can give a
> description of the reasons the award will be always specific, it is
> not a title you carry around your lifetime and all of that. Maybe a
> person could be awarded multiple times, but that is then to decide.
> That means there will be no discussions about revoking the
> championship, or for how long this is granted. Also I think the award
> leaves better space for a good naming. Also we can give commit access
> along with it, which may or may not be taken, but then includes the
> official ASF way of recognizing people.
> what do you guys think?
> bye Jochen

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