Am 08.01.20 um 22:37 schrieb MG:
These results look great, Daniel G-)

With regards to nomenclature: What is your definition of megamorphic as
compared to polymorphic ? The web does not seem to be in complete
agreement on these terms - I assume you are referring to the number of
call site cache entries needed (monomorphic: 1, polymorphic: > 1,
megamorphic: > cache size) ?

monomorphic: any number of calls of one type only
polymorphic: any number of calls of at max cachesize different types
megamorphic: any number of calls of more than max cachesize different types

In Java a cal of the structure is of one type if the type of
x does not change, the type of bar is not relevant beyond the first
selection, since we expect static method selection. If the declaration
type of x is final, then in theory you do not even need to check the
receiver type of x later.

In Groovy we have dynamic method selection, thus we need to check x and
bar all the time, plus code for categories and methods added/replaced
through meta classes. So the number of call types will be much higher in
Groovy, even for Java style code and only in very specific situations
this could be different. Plus some more clutter with when we actually
have the information about the to be selected method.

bye Jochen

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