I think that despite what we engineers like to pretend, languages rise and
fall not much because of their features, but because of the platform they
allow you to program.

Groovy used to be bigger because it was pretty much the only dynamic
language to program on the JVM without going too far from Java. And at one
point because of Spring/VMWare. And maybe a bit because of Grails.

Kotlin is bigger today because of JetBrains and Android.

No cool new feature will make people switch from Kotlin to Groovy.

Bottom line: if we wish Groovy to succeed, let's create, maintain, support,
promote, and use tools that can be programmed/extended in Groovy.

On Thu, 30 Apr 2020 at 12:58, mojo2012 <meister.fu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello guys,
> I've been wondering why groovy is kinda losing ground respectively not
> gaining more traction these days. It's a fine language - so why does it not
> kick off like kotlin?
> I think these are one of the reasons:
> * The logo looks kinda year "1990 MS Wordart"-style. When I first saw the
> logo I instantly though "Probably this language is not maintained anymore?"
> * Almost all Java devs I've been talking about groovy in the last couple of
> months think that groovy is a purely dynamically-typed language. Which in
> fact turns them off so much, that they don't even want to take a closer
> look.
> * The development experience is subpar comparing to Java (Eclipse, IntelliJ
> and VSCode). Groovy Eclipse is slow, autocompletion is flaky sometimes, etc
> These points are just my experience and subjective to some extent.
> What can we do to improve the current situation?
> # Logo: both the easiest and one of the hardest points at the same time.
> But
> I would like a kotlin/vscode/c# inspired logo :-)
> # Promote @CompileStatic more, emphasise that performance has not to be
> "way
> slower" than java. Integrate a language-level "async"/coroutine support,
> like Dart/C# etc have it.
> # Make IDE-integration a part of the groovy project, maybe by providing an
> official Language Server implementation and IDE integrations (like Dart or
> Haxe do)
> What do you guys think?
> Cheers,
> Matti
> --
> Sent from: http://groovy.329449.n5.nabble.com/Groovy-Dev-f372993.html

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