Just my humble opinion on this, after being using Groovy for some ~7 years.

Il 30/04/20 15:05, Jochen Theodorou ha scritto:
* Almost all Java devs I've been talking about groovy in the last couple of
months think that groovy is a purely dynamically-typed language. Which in
fact turns them off so much, that they don't even want to take a closer

We have static compilation for now... 4? years. Not sure how to get away
from that in the end.

I don't have the answer. But what I can say is that statically compiled code is still often problematic. There are still many bugs, both in the static type checker and in different runtime behaviour compared to dynamic compilation. Using generics (apart from easy cases) can become really hard in Groovy, at the point that you have to give up and remove them. Not to talk about enums written in Groovy, which can become a nightmare, at least statically compiled ones.

From a user point of view, the feeling is that, although existing, static type checking has never been a priority for Groovy committers, but rather an accessory feature.

* The development experience is subpar comparing to Java (Eclipse, IntelliJ
and VSCode). Groovy Eclipse is slow, autocompletion is flaky sometimes, etc

In IntelliJ it is not bad, Groovy Eclipse I am not using for such a long
time, I cannot tell anything about it. In the end it is missing manpower
I would say here

Groovy Eclipse improved *a lot* during the last years, from when Eric Milles started to work on it. He really deserves the credit for not having let Groovy die for all Eclipse users. But there are still some issues that are really hard to fix, some of which are architectural ones (for instance: it's impossible to set independent project-level Groovy compiler versions in a workspace), some other are not trivial and would deserve careful attention (like deeply reconsidering the weights given to different code assist proposals, to improve user experience), some other may sound "cosmetic" (like almost missing Javadoc/Groovydoc support and really poor source formatting abilities), but are indeed very important when using a language in big enterprise projects. Not to talk about debugging: I think Groovy code is harder to debug on its own, and Groovy Eclipse is missing many of the debugging features that are available for Java (like expression introspection, for instance).

As I said a lot in the past, IntelliJ became more and more relevant among Java developers, but Eclipse is still extremely popular. There have been years in which Groovy Eclipse plugin was hardly installable, after Pivotal abandoned it... and its quality was embarrassing in many aspects, simply because it was very incomplete.

And now it's still in a very delicate position however: Eric is one and alone. If he has to step back from Groovy Eclipse, for whatever reason, Eclipse users will be left alone once again.

Additionally, although I don't know the internals, I suspect that some deficiencies in the projects the Groovy Eclipse plugin is building upon don't really help to make things smooth: I mean, if I understand it correctly, there's no parser recovery support in Groovy core, and this had to be done entirely in Groovy Eclipse and a huge problem is that with the new parrot parser, the whole work would have to be done again (from scratch?). Another problem is that the Eclipse JDT plugin seems to be lacking the proper extension points to allow a plugin like Groovy Eclipse to extend Java compilation without the need for patching.

Yes, for me good tooling is extremely important for the success of a technology. After all, we have been told that one of the main reasons fro which Gradle is now promoting Kotlin is exactly this: it offers better tooling support.

For these reasons I think that Groovy is seen as a good choice for testing and for scripting, but not for writing production code, at least in medium-to-large projects.

As I said in the beginning, this is just my opinion based on my own experience.


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