On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 4:33 PM Mike Jumper <mjum...@apache.org> wrote:

> It occurs to me that it might be beneficial to have a low-traffic announce@
> list for Guacamole which would receive only things like release
> announcements or security advisories.

Sounds good to me.  I'm hoping this year will see an increase in number of
release (and, thus, release traffic) with the adoption of the new
versioning scheme :-D.

I'll also use this opportunity to ping on the topic of resurrecting the
Guacamole Twitter account - any further thoughts/discussion on this?

> Similarly, JIRA issues and comments currently go to commits@. Perhaps a
> separate issues@ list would be more appropriate, leaving commits@ for
> truly
> only pushed git commits?

This is probably a good idea, too.  Concurrently, I'd like to make sure I'm
on both the commits@ and issues@ lists - I'm not 100% certain I get either
JIRA issues or pushed commits at the moment, unless I'm tagged on them


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