On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Elliott Clark <ecl...@ngmoco.com> wrote:
> So a little more on the crazy idea side.
> Java type repls are starting to get more love and are a little more
> developed than they were when jruby was first used.  Is is time to start
> considering a more java repl (scala, clojure, groovy, et al) ?

Personally, I've been extremely satisfied with Groovy. Especially when
it is used as an extension language for complex systems implemented
in Java. Jenkins is now using Groovy for that very purpose and there
are quite a few other projects that do the same.

I see 2 benefits of Groovy vs. any other extension language that sits
on top of JVM:
   1. MOP regardless of how your stack is composed:
   2. 100% native integration with Java type system and extensions of it
        where it makes sens.

Basically, with Groovy an hbase shell could be as close to extending
an HBase client API as it gets.

Just my personal 2 rubles worth.


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