On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> Personally, I've been extremely satisfied with Groovy. Especially when
> it is used as an extension language for complex systems implemented
> in Java. Jenkins is now using Groovy for that very purpose and there
> are quite a few other projects that do the same.
> I see 2 benefits of Groovy vs. any other extension language that sits
> on top of JVM:
>   1. MOP regardless of how your stack is composed:
>        http://www.infoq.com/articles/aop-with-groovy
>   2. 100% native integration with Java type system and extensions of it
>        where it makes sens.
> Basically, with Groovy an hbase shell could be as close to extending
> an HBase client API as it gets.

When I looked at Groovy shell in past it was poor compared to ruby's
irb (This may have changed) and there were more constraints adding DSL
-- the parse of the added DSL -- than there were in jruby, our current
'java scripting language'.

When I've written Groovy in the past it used to make me laugh when I
would end up w/ more lines of code than the equivalent in java.

As far as I can tell, the mess you have with JRuby and its ability
mixing ruby/java is no different to the mess you'd have w/


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