On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Jonathan Hsieh <j...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> Note: I've only done a quick look at the jira and the code.  The high level
> design document/approach seems reasonable and I think most agree that this
> is a useful feature and that a lot of effort has gone into it.


> The feature is off by default -- I can see one main difference in this
> situation compared to other major newish generally-considered experimental
> or incomplete features (replication, off-heap slab cache, online schema
> changes).  This feature doesn't have one of the current HBase committers
> using/testing it in their production  environments or in their test
> environment.

A couple of the lads are shaping up to back this feature.

> This seems perfect for *a feature branch* as we talked briefly about at the
> Pow-wow.  There seem to be some problems identified that will result in
> follow on issues (races mentioned).  Using a branch would:
> * make it available at apache allows devs to test it
> * allows a committer who is championing this to test it by using it more
> and to iron out glaring problems in environment,
> * encourages and shepards the contributor allowing them to justify
> continued effort,
> * allows all of us to defer the decision to fold the feature into 0.94 (or
> 0.96, or later) when more folks are familiar or comfortable with it.


> Who knows, maybe some of the TaoBao folks will eventually become committers.

Looking forward to the day....


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