bq. Can we not disable tests that we've labelled flakey and not issues in

No tests were disabled this past week.

I will continue to work on finding root cause for flay tests, with the help
from people which related JIRAs are assigned to.


On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Stack <> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 8:48 AM, Ted Yu <> wrote:
> > Thanks for the response Dave.
> >
> > I exchanged a few emails with Lars H last night and we felt we shouldn't
> > block 0.92.2 / 0.94.2 releases due to a few flaky tests.
> >
> > Let's fix flaky tests continuously.
> >
> That seems basically fine except I'd think that we'd pass most of the
> time rather than as it is now, where we fail and its the exception
> that tests pass.  Whatever about Jenkins, I'd think that when I build
> locally, again, most of the time the build should pass but its not
> been the case during my builds of 0.92 locally.
> Has triage on 0.92 failing tests been done to figure if tests are
> flakey or whether its hbase that is the problem (I've seen JIRA
> traffic on 0.92 unit tests so this may have been done already).   Can
> we not disable tests that we've labelled flakey and not issues in
> hbase?
> St.Ack

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