Here is our first 0.95.0 release candidate.  Should we put this out as

The 0.95.x series of releases are designated "developer releases", a type
of release we have done in the past -- see the 0.89.x series -- where we
let out 'raw', barely-tested product so developers and those generally
interested can get some early exposure to what our next stable release to
follow 0.94.x will look like.  Putting out these 'rough cuts' also helps to
get the feedback started earlier while the release is still baking.

These "developer release" come with no guarantees.  We make no
promises that the next release will be compatible with this one or even that
you will be able to preserve data across the update (This is at an extreme,
and highly unlikely, but could be the case).  No work has been done to make
it so you can migrate from 0.94.x HBase.

In spite of all the caveats above, we still need to vote.  Remember, the bar
is intentionally set lower on these "developer releases"; it will have to be
something pretty bad to block this RC going out.  There should be a new
along in a week or two and we can address the offender there.

The release artifacts may be downloaded from:

Let the vote run for a short time, say, April 3rd.  Take it for a quick

Over 1500 issues have been closed against 0.95.0.  It is tough pulling out
the highlights but I think most will be interested in big improvements
in Mean Time To Recovery, a revamped metrics, support for hadoop1 and
hadoop2.... the list is long.  For the full list of issues fixed see:

All feedback is welcome.  We'd be interested in getting feedback on
everything from the packaging, layout, through documentation, UI, and of
any bugs found.


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