Can you put the doc in google doc so that people can comment on it ?

Is there a JIRA opened for this work ?
Please open one if there is none.


On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 9:00 AM, Josh Elser <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'd like to propose the introduction of FileSystem quotas to HBase.
> Here's a design doc[1] available which (hopefully) covers all of the
> salient points of what I think an initial version of such a feature would
> include.
> tl;dr We can define quotas on tables and namespaces. Region size is
> computed by RegionServers and sent to the Master. The Master inspects the
> sizes of Regions, rolling up to table and namespace sizes. Defined quotas
> in the quota table are evaluated given the computed sizes, and, for those
> tables/namespaces violating the quota, RegionServers are informed to take
> some action to limit any further filesystem growth by that table/namespace.
> I'd encourage you to give the document a read -- I tried to cover as much
> as I could without getting unnecessarily bogged down in implementation
> details.
> Feedback is, of course, welcomed. I'd like to start sketching out a
> breakdown of the work (all writing and no programming makes Josh a sad
> boy). I'm happy to field any/all questions. Thanks in advance.
> - Josh
> [1]
> heHBase.pdf

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