I suspect this feature will be considered risky but I'd be willing to try it 
out and give it some production-like load (and with chaos). By the time we 
would be iterating our platform on 2.0 we'd have the type of production loads 
fielded that could overpressure meta on a single server. 

> On Nov 21, 2016, at 5:59 PM, Francis Liu <tof...@ymail.com.INVALID> wrote:
> Late to respond to this but I'd like to get "Split Meta" HBASE-11165 into 
> HBase 2.0 as well. We've been running with a version of it internally. I'll 
> start putting up patches soon. 
>    On Friday, November 11, 2016 5:15 PM, Stephen Jiang 
> <syuanjiang...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, fellow HBASE developers,
> We are making progress towards HBASE 2.0 releases.  I am using the
> following queries to search for on-going HBASE 2.0 feature work items
> (project = HBase AND (fixVersion = 2.0.0 OR affectedVersion = 2.0.0) AND
> resolution is EMPTY AND (issuetype != Bug AND issuetype != Test AND
> issuetype != Sub-task) ORDER BY issuetype DESC), at this time, we have
> 247!  That is a lot.  At some time in near future, we definitely need to
> trim down the list; otherwise, 2.0 will never be released.
> For now, Matteo and I are tracking some big projects that are on-going:
> (1). HBASE-14350 the stable Assignment Manager (using Procedure V2)
> - This is a blocker to have branch-2 cut.  In the past few weeks, we made
> good progress and majority of implementation is done.  The patches are
> under review and testing.  Matto is drafting a document for review.
> (2). HBASE-14414 Backup/Restore Phase 3
> - Currently it is blocked by HBASE-14123.  The giant HBASE-14123 patches
> was discussed and reviewed from the community (see
> http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@hbase.apache.org/msg41090.html for the long
> discussion); and all feedback were taken care of in the latest patch.
> Currently I marked HBASE-14123 as 2.0 blocker, as without it, the further
> develpment of backup/restore is blocked - the backup/restore is a key
> enterprise feature for 2.0 release.  I think HBASE-14123 is ready for
> another round of vote.
> (3). HBASE-15179 Offheap
> - This is another important feature that I think it is MUST for 2.0.  Since
> stack works closely with Intel developers, he has some insight on this
> project: "Intel are betting on this. Alibaba are using the offheap read
> path and interested in write path too. This work is still very much up in
> the air and being worked out as we go (especially the Y! Israel inmemory
> compaction component).  It is a little shakey dependent on mslab pooling,
> blockcache being on by default, async wal being default, and then dependent
> on lots of perf and ITBLL testing."
> (4). HBASE-16952 Protobuf3
> - Good news, stack got the majority of work done already.  This is a MUST
> for 2.0 release.  Now we only have a small sub-task HBASE-16967 (findbugs)
> left.
> (5). HBASE-14070 Logical Clock
> - This needs to be done before 2.0 release.  At this time, seems not making
> much progress.
> (6). HBASE-16833 JAVA Async Client
> - A lot of progress was made by Duo and his associates.  We should be in a
> good shape in JAVA client when 2.0 release.
> (7). HBASE-14850 C++ Async Client
> - Another project that is making good progress.  I know some customer wants
> this.  This is long overdue project.  Hopefully we will make those customer
> happy in 2.0 release with a good performed C++ client.
> Please let me know other on-going projects that needs to be in HBASE 2.0
> release (stack mentioned "logical file system tier", but I am not sure
> whether it would make enough progress to have a realistic chance making
> 2.0).  As I said at the beginning of this email, at some point soon, we
> will be more picky and trim down the unfinished features in 2.0.
> Happy Weekend!
> Stephen

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