
Checked sums and signatures: ok
Compiles from source: ok (7u80)
RAT check passes: ok (7u80)
Unit tests pass: ok (8u102)
Loaded 1M rows with LTT: ok, all keys verified, latencies in ballpark,
nothing unusual (8u102)
ITBLL 100M rows: ok (8u102)

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 11:44 PM, Nick Dimiduk <ndimi...@apache.org> wrote:

> I'm happy to announce the first release candidate of HBase 1.1.9
> (HBase-1.1.
> 9RC0) is available for download at
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase/hbase-1.1.9RC0/
> Maven artifacts are also available in the staging repository
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehbase-1163
> Artifacts are signed with my code signing subkey 0xAD9039071C3489BD,
> available in the Apache keys directory https://people.
> apache.org/keys/committer/ndimiduk.asc
> There's also a signed tag for this release at
> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=hbase.git;a=commit;h=
> 0d1feabed5295495ed2257d31fab9e6553e8a9d7
> The detailed source and binary compatibility report vs 1.1.8 has been
> published for your review, at
> http://home.apache.org/~ndimiduk/1.1.8_1.1.9RC0_compat_report.html
> HBase 1.1.9 is the ninth patch release in the HBase 1.1 line, continuing on
> the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the Hadoop and NoSQL
> communities. This release includes nearly 20 bug fixes since the 1.1.8
> release. Notable correctness fixes include HBASE-17238,
> HBASE-17587, HBASE-17275, and HBASE-17265.
> The full list of fixes included in this release is available at
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?
> projectId=12310753&version=12338734
>  and in the CHANGES.txt file included in the distribution.
> Please try out this candidate and vote +/-1 by 23:59 Pacific time on
> Sunday, 2017-02-26 as to whether we should release these artifacts as HBase
> 1.1.9.
> Thanks,
> Nick

Best regards,

   - Andy

If you are given a choice, you believe you have acted freely. - Raymond
Teller (via Peter Watts)

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