Right. 17748 is not in the picture right now.

Happy to leave this open for more time if people would like it. Thanks for taking a look!

Enis Söztutar wrote:
Just to be clear, you are proposing the merge without
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-17748 in place, right?


On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 4:47 PM, Enis Söztutar<enis....@gmail.com>  wrote:

I was following the patches up to some extend, but I am not up to date on
the recent stuff. Let me spend some time with the newest code.

I think we can extend the vote to give others some more time as well.


On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 3:29 PM, Josh Elser<els...@apache.org>  wrote:

I won't pretend to be involved enough in the 2.0 work to give an opinion
:) -- I did say earlier that I'm happy to land this in 2.0 or 3.0 (whatever
master decides to be at the time I merge).

If the spirit of the voters is to include this in 3.0 and not 2.0, that's
fine by me. I'm also happy to not immediately merge after this vote

Andrew Purtell wrote:

Would it help to cut a branch for 2.0 before attempting to merge in a new
major feature?

On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 8:41 AM, Josh Elser<els...@apache.org>   wrote:

Reminder: I hope to close this in ~30hrs and there have been no votes so

Josh Elser wrote:

This is a vote to (rebase and) merge the branch HBASE-16961 into
Per the book, this requires 3 binding +1's from other committers to

Relevant info for those who want to revisit any topics:

DISCUSS on merge[1]
Design Doc[2]
Staged user manual[3]

I'll plan to leave this open for at least 72hrs of the work days
(Wednesday May 10th EOD) in case there are any vetos. I would prefer to
abstain from voting on my own feature and plan to do so if the votes
otherwise lacking.

- Josh


[2] http://home.apache.org/~elserj/hbase/FileSystemQuotasforApac
[3] https://people.apache.org/~elserj/hbase/quotas/book.html#spa

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