Thanks for taking a look Balazs. Please file a JIRA for that. It may be a 
cosmetic problem but if we have to spin another RC I want to be sure to fix it. 

> On Dec 8, 2017, at 3:09 AM, Balazs Meszaros <> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> +1, because:
> Signatures: ok
> Unit tests: ok (8u112)
> RSGroups: worked for me through the shell
> -1, because:
> hbase(main):005:0> list_rsgroups
> test
> default
> 2 row(s) in *1512730813.6580* seconds
> Trust me, it was faster than 47 years :) Other listings (e.g.
> list_namespace) displayed the elapsed time correctly.
> Best regards,
> Balazs
>> On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 4:51 AM, Ted Yu <> wrote:
>> +1
>> Checked signatures: good
>> Ran test suite: pass
>> 1M row LTT: pass
>> Cheers
>> On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 8:40 PM, Andrew Purtell <>
>> wrote:
>>> The first HBase 1.4.0​ release candidate (RC0) is available for download
>> at
>>> and Maven
>>> artifacts are available in the temporary repository
>> .
>>> The git tag corresponding to the candidate is '1.4.0RC0' (3d571827cb).
>>> A detailed source and binary compatibility report for this release is
>>> available for your review at
>>> hbase-1.3.1-1.4.0RC0_compatibility_report.html
>>> ​. All reported compatibility issues should comply with policy but please
>>> review them carefully.
>>> A list of the ​652 issues resolved in this release can be found at
>>> .
>>> Please try out the candidate and vote +1/0/-1.
>>> This vote will be open for at least 72 hours. Unless objection I will try
>>> to close it ​Monday December 18, 2017 if we have sufficient votes.
>>> Prior to making this announcement I made the following preflight checks
>> to
>>> 1.4.0RC0 (3d571827cb):
>>>   - RAT check passes (7u80)
>>>   - Unit test suite passes (8u131)
>>>   - LTT load 1M rows with 100% verification and 20% updates (8u131)
>>>   - PE randomWrite, randomRead, scanRange100 (8u131)
>>>   - 100M rows ITBLL (8u131)
>>> Between now and when I want to close the vote I'll write up human
>> readable
>>> release notes for the release announcement as promised. I also have
>> agreed
>>> to run a scale ITBLL test, a performance comparison with 1.2 using YCSB,
>> a
>>> performance comparison with 1.2 using PE, and an analysis of code and
>>> allocation hot spot changes from 1.2, all of which I will publish when
>>> available and factor in to my vote.
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Andrew

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