On 5/24/18 11:16 AM, Sean Busbey wrote:
If we have a minimal client tarball that includes the shaded client and
shaded mapreduce modules (and nothing else?) then are we good to go?

I think if we have a client tarball that includes the shaded client
modules (and other things they need like logging jars) then we can
make a go of things. I think Josh's current plan to also include the
shell in the tarball is a good idea.

I don't know if practically speaking this will just mean we end up
making everyone install two tarballs instead of one. We could always
push forward with it and then revisit the issue as we get feedback.


I think if we create something that pushes folks towards how we want them to use it, we'll have more success :)

Feel free to ping on JIRA issues if you want some eyes (I'm terrible at proactively following issues these days)

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