Sorry, the final link for the slides is

I've just updated it to reflect that the conference was the West conference.


On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 2:04 PM J. Javier Maestro <> wrote:
> Hi there!
> In HBaseCon 2016 West (San Francisco) I presented, together with David
> Pope "Containerizing Apache HBase Clusters". I think there was some
> issue with the recording, we were told that due to past issues
> recording Facebook talks, they didn't publish the video this time.
> That was a pity.
> However, I've now checked the archive of HBaseCon and we are
> completely absent from there. There were other presentations by
> Facebookers in there and they are listed (Matt Mullins on the panel,
> for example) and in HBaseCon 2016 East, Mikhail Antonov's talk too,
> both with slides and recording.
> I'd like to know if you can:
> - Fix this, by adding the talk to HBaseCon 2016 East. Here are the
> slides, so you can at least link that:
> - Find out if the recording took place.
> Thanks a ton for all your help!
> Regards,
> Javier

J. Javier Maestro <>

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