> * Binary release's LICENSE file is missing some stuff. e.g. we bundle
jcodings which is MIT licensed but that is not included in LICENSE. IMO,
we can come back and fix these for the next release.

HBASE-22338 is filed. (Thanks Peter)

> * We get the ${project.basedir} in the local copy when building because
of the HBase dep of 2.1.0 doesn't have HBASE-21005. Do we want to choose
the latest 2.1.x?

I do not know the answer for that. We can depend on the latest HBase
release, but unfortunately we can depend on only one release. How can we
ensure compatibility with other versions?

> * The rogue .flattened-pom.xml that shows up. Not sure who/what creates
that, but we should figure it out and squash it.

This is because of maven-flatten-plugin. More details here:

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