Sounds reasonable to me!

On 6/11/20 1:06 PM, Andrew Purtell wrote:
hbase-metrics-api is available for coprocessors already and interfaces
within are already LimitedPrivate(COPROC). However, that package is mostly
interface and seems geared toward consuming metrics instantiated and
registered via private stuff. Or, rather, I didn't see how Phoenix could choose
which of MutableSizeHistogram and MutableTimeHistogram to instantiate using
those interfaces, there is only Histogram MetricRegistry#histogram(String
name). So I think it is also worth some time to review the utility of
hbase-metrics-api and decide if more need be done there. Would the addition

Histogram MetricRegistry#sizeHistogram(String name)
Histogram MetricRegistry#timeHistogram(String name)

achieve the desired objective instead?

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 9:16 AM Nick Dimiduk <> wrote:

I was just about to reply with the same -- Josh is faster :) +1 on
considering the full surface area of the APIs being exposed.

I also wonder if exposing the metrics infrastructure is something of
interest more broadly than Phoenix. Seems like any coprocessor might want
to provide or monitor some metric value.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 9:08 AM Josh Elser <> wrote:

My only concern is that you can't just mark these two classes a
LimitedPrivate for Phoenix -- you would also have to mark
MutableRangeHistogram, MutableHistogram (and the rest of the class
hierarchy) to make sure that we don't make it super confusing as to what
comes from LimitedPrivate classes and what is coming from Private

Would it be better to just say: make

Do you also need the stuff in
hbase-hadoop-compat/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase to push
metrics back through the HBase metrics subsystem?

Sorry for the late reply. Just want to make sure we open up the
audience, we open it sufficiently.

On 6/8/20 1:15 PM, Rushabh Shah wrote:
Currently the IA for MutableSizeHistogram and MutableTimeHistogram is
private. We want to use these classes in PHOENIX project and I thought
can leverage the existing implementation from hbase histo
IIUC the private IA can't be used in other projects. Proposing to make
LimitedPrivate and mark HBaseInterfaceAudience.PHOENIX. Please suggest.
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