
I've been kicking the tires on the OpenTelemetry tracing work and I have an
ugly question to present. One of the things suggested by the otel community
is that library implementers (like us, with hbase-client) expose the
Span/Scope objects to callers so that they can add context annotations. I
think this means adding API calls that return otel instances. From our
previous experience exposing Guava objects in our API, this sounds no good.
On the other hand, log4j and SLF4j are effectively in our public API, and
so maybe otel is of a similar breed.

I have not yet attempted to implement exposure of their objects in our
client API, so as of now, my position is that of speculation. I'll report
back as I make progress in this direction. If anyone else has already
traveled this road, please speak up and share your experiences.


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