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The following page has been changed by RolandWeber:

- #pragma section-numbers 2
- = Application Design FAQ =
+ This page has been 
+ to the new [ HttpComponents Wiki].
- This document addresses questions about application design which
- have been raised repeatedly on the HttpClient and HttpComponents mailing 
- As it addresses design issues rather than API or other HttpClient or
- HttpComponents specific problems, much of the information presented
- is equally applicable for HttpURLConnection or non-Java APIs.
- If you are just getting your feet wet and want to understand the basics
- of client HTTP programming rather than read about application design 
- check out our [wiki:Self:ForAbsoluteBeginners primer].
- ----
- [[TableOfContents]]
- -------
- == Sending Parameters and Uploading Files  ==
- A question that is asked on a regular basis is:
-  ''How do I upload a file along with some parameters?''
- This section presents different ways to upload parameters, files, and both.
- It assumes that you are implementing both a client application and
- a server application to which the client application connects.
- The client application might be a Java program using HttpClient,
- while the server application is assumed to be a
- Parameters are name/value pairs, where both name and value are strings.
- Names should always be in US-ASCII, values may use other character
- encodings, depending on the technique used for sending the parameters.
- Files or rather file parameters are name/value pairs, where the name is
- a string and the value is binary data read from a file. Binary values
- from other sources can be handled similar to files from a design perspective,
- though the details of the API will vary.
- === GET with Query ===
- The simplest way to transfer parameters to the server is the
- query string of the URL. That's the part after the question mark,
- for example in:
-  http:''''''//'''?param1=value1&param2=value2'''
- Query strings can be used with any HTTP method, but they are most
- frequently used with the GET method. A query string is also the
- only way to send parameters with a GET method.
- (Unless your application encodes parameters into the URL path.)
- The names and values of a query string must be URL-escaped. Each space 
character needs to
- be replaced by a + character. Reserved characters like = & % + : / need to be
- URL-escaped (%xx sequences) with their byte representation (see below).
- URL-escaping is automatically handled for example by the 
- and 
 org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI] classes.
- HTTP Request lines and thus query strings are confined to the ASCII character 
encoding. Only ASCII names/values
- can reliably be transferred in a query string. However it is possible to use 
a non-ASCII character encoding by
- URL-escaping the characters. Character encodings (like UTF-8, ISO-8859-1; and 
unlike EBCDIC) whose lower 7-bit are 
- compatible with ASCII only need to escape the non-ASCII characters. The 
character encoding used to create and 
- interprete the % escape sequences must be the same on the server and on the 
client. It is common practice to
- agree on UTF-8. But it is more a recommendation than a standard and must be 
verified in individual cases. 
- To avoid problems it is strongly discouraged to send non-ASCII values in the 
query string.
- Depending on the encoding the following characters are character encoded and 
URL-escaped as follows:
- || char || ASCII || ISO-8859-1 || UTF-8  || EBCDIC ||
- || A    || A     || A          || A      || %E1    ||
- || ä    || N/A   || %E4        || %C3%A4 || N/A    ||
- || &    || %26   || %26        || %26    || %70    ||
- On the server, name/value pairs sent in a query string are available
- as parameters of the 
- %xx escape sequences and + characters are automatically decoded by the 
Servlet API.
- If non-ASCII values are sent in the query string, the outcome depends
- on the implementation of the Servlet API, the Content-Type header and 
possibly also on
- configuration parameters, such as the JVM default character set.
- That's why it is strongly discouraged to send non-ASCII values
- in the query string.
- === POST with URL-encoded Form Data ===
- Unlike the GET method, a POST method has a message body or entity
- which can hold any kind of binary or non-binary data.
- A simple way to send parameters with string values to the server
- is to put the query string into the message body instead of the URL.
- This avoids URL length restrictions, problems with parameters being
- logged where they shouldn't, and it also allows for non-ASCII characters
- in the values. While a URL is confined to ASCII characters, the
- message body is not. The character set can be specified in a header field.
- The encoding of special characters is automatically handled by
- HttpClient's 
- On the server, name/value pairs sent in a message body with
- content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" are available
- as parameters of the 
- If there are parameters in both the message body and the query string,
- all of them are available in the !ServletRequest.
- === POST with Multipart Form Data ===
- In order to upload binary data such as files, the data can be encoded as
- multipart [ MIME].
- That's the same format which is used for sending email attachments.
- HTML forms for uploading files have to specify the content type
- "multipart/form-data" so the browser knows that the multipart MIME encoding
- must be applied. That content type is also sent to the server.
- HttpClient provides the 
- class to perform multipart MIME encoding.
- On the server, parameters sent as multipart MIME are ''not'' available
- as parameters of the 
- The servlet has to read and interpret the message body explicitly.
- There are libraries for parsing multipart MIME data, for example
- [ Commons FileUpload].
- It should also be possible to parse multipart/form-data using the
- [ JavaMail API].
- If there are parameters in both the message body and the query string,
- only those from the query string are available in the !ServletRequest.
- === POST with Query and Data ===
- In the special case that you need to upload only parameters with
- ASCII string values and a single file, there is another option.
- You can send the parameters in a query string and the file contents
- as the message body. This does not require special encoding or
- decoding of the binary data.
- This kind of request can not be generated by an HTML form.
- [[BR]]
- With this approach, the file is not sent as a name/value pair.
- Only the value, that is the file contents, will be transferred.
- The servlet has to know what to do with the file based only on
- the information in the URL (and HTTP headers). The information in
- the URL can come from the query string (?name=!MyImage.png),
- from the URL path (/my/servlet/save), or both.
- [[BR]]
- You should specify a content type that indicates the type of data
- you are sending in the message body, such as "application/octet-stream"
- or "image/png" or whatever else is appropriate for the file you are uploading.
- If you are uploading a text file, you should also specify the
- character set as part of the content type.
- On the server, the parameters sent in the query string are available
- as parameters of the 
- The file contents is available as from the !ServletRequest as either
- or
- data.
- === Further Reading ===
- [ Java 
Standard Edition 5.0, HttpURLConnection]
- [ IANA: Registered MIME Media 
- [ HTML 
4.01: Form Content Types]
- [ Sun: Java Servlet Technology 
- [ Servlet API 2.3]
- [ 
Java Enterprise Edition 5.0, Servlet API 2.4]
- [ JavaMail]
- [ Java 
Enterprise Edition 5.0, JavaMail API]
- -------
- == Client Authentication ==
- There are different techniques by which a client can establish
- it's identity to a server in a web environment.
- We repeatedly got questions from users who were not aware of
- the differences between those techniques.
- This section presents the common authentication techniques and
- puts them in the appropriate context.
- === Protocol Layers ===
- Whenever a web client communicates with a web server, there
- are communications on different protocol layers. The following
- diagram shows the layers relevant for this discussion:
- ||<:>Application Layer||
- ||<:>HTTP Layer||
- ||<:>Transport Layer||
- At the top, there is the application layer. That is your
- client application communicating with a web application.
- The web application can for example be comprised of some
- servlets and JSPs. Your application will create and send
- requests and interpret the responses to achieve some
- purpose specific to your application.
- [[BR]]
- The middle layer is where HTTP communication takes place.
- That is HttpClient or HttpComponents (or
- [])
- exchanging HTTP messages with an HTTP server. !HttpClient
- is not aware of the purpose of the messages. It merely
- knows how to generate and parse the HTTP message format, and
- how to handle some HTTP protocol details such as redirects and cookies.
- [[BR]]
- At the bottom is the transport layer. That is the operation system
- connecting sockets to the computer on which the HTTP server is running.
- Or it is a TLS/SSL library creating a secure connection to that computer.
- On this layer, it is just binary data passing between the machines.
- The transport layer is not aware of the data being HTTP messages,
- let alone of the purpose for which the application is communicating.
- This layered structure is not obvious to the casual user.
- When using a browser, you don't care whether your input is
- interpreted by the HTML engine on the application layer,
- or by the HTTP implementation on the HTTP layer, or by
- the TLS/SSL implementation on the bottom layer.
- Likewise, if you are developing a web application for example
- in a J2EE environment, you're looking at the protocol layers
- from the top down and don't care where the functionality is
- provided.
- [[BR]]
- However, !HttpClient is [wiki:Self:ForAbsoluteBeginners not a browser].
- If you are developing an application with !HttpClient or
- some other HTTP implementation, you have to be aware of this structure.
- Client authentication can be performed on each of the three layers,
- but !HttpClient is only responsible for the middle layer.
- You will need to use other APIs for authentication on the application
- or transport layer.
- === Basic, Digest, NTLM Authentication ===
- These authentication techniques operate on the HTTP layer and are
- supported to some degree by HttpClient.
- Basic and Digest authentication are specified in
- [ RFC 2617].
- Both are fully supported by !HttpClient.
- A browser will typically pop up an authentication dialog asking
- for the password to a specific server. The password will be asked
- only once for each session. If NTLM authentication is used and
- the password is the same as the Windows password, there may be
- no authentication dialog at all (single sign-on, SSO).
- Basic authentication is considered insecure because it sends the
- user password in plain text (unprotected) with each request.
- That is only acceptable to some degree in intranets or when using 
- TLS/SSL secure connections (HTTPS). It is generally not acceptable
- when using insecure connections over the internet.
- [[BR]]
- Digest authentication is more secure than basic authentication
- because the password itself is not sent to the server. Instead,
- a hash of the password is created and sent. Digest authentication
- is rarely used, since in order to verify the hash, the server
- needs to know the user password in plain text. User repositories
- will typically not store passwords in plain text, but rather
- hashes of the password. Therefore, digest authentication can
- not be performed using such repositories. Storing passwords in
- plain text on the server backend systems introduces a weak spot
- into the server side architecture.
- [[BR]]
- NTLM authentication comes in several varieties, all of which are
- proprietary authentication protocols by Microsoft. !HttpClient
- partially supports NTLM authentication, as explained in the
- [wiki:Self:FrequentlyAskedNTLMQuestions NTLM FAQ].
- The older versions, or lower levels, of NTLM authentication suffer
- from the same weakness as Basic authentication. The newer versions
- rectify this, but the protocols are not publicly documented.
- There are no open source implementations of the newer versions.
- === Form Based Authentication ===
- The form based authentication technique operates on the application layer.
- When using a browser, username and password have to be entered
- in an HTML form. They will be sent to the server only once.
- After successful authentication, the server remembers that this
- client is authenticated and will not ask for the password again
- during that session. Session tracking often requires a cookie.
- [[BR]]
- From the HttpClient perspective, submitting a form for client
- authentication is no different from submitting a form for a
- search query or any other purpose.
- Instructions on how to support session tracking and simulate
- form submission are available in the
- [wiki:Self:ForAbsoluteBeginners Client HTTP Programming Guide].
- Form based authentication is more secure than basic authentication.
- Although it also transmits the password in plain text, it does so
- only once and not with every request. Still, when used over the
- internet, from based authentication should use a secure TLS/SSL
- connection at least for the login procedure. Afterwards, the session
- can be continued over plain connections, as the password is not
- sent again.
- === Certificate Based Authentication ===
- Certificate based (client) authentication operates on the transport layer.
- It is part of the TLS/SSL protocol. Instead of using a password,
- certificate based authentication relies on public key cryptography.
- A private key is stored on the client and used to authenticate
- against the server.
- A browser will typically pop up a password dialog, asking for the
- password to the local key store. The password is never sent to the
- server, it is only used locally to gain access to the private key.
- The private key itself is never sent either.
- [[BR]]
- From the HttpClient perspective, certificate based authentication
- is performed transparently when a secure TLS/SSL connection is
- established to a server. Transparently means that !HttpClient doesn't
- know anything about the authentication at all. You have to install a
- that automatically authenticates the client if requested by the server.
- This includes asking the user for the password to the local key store.
- Certificate based client authentication is the most secure of the
- authentication techniques discussed here. The drawback is that it
- requires a complex public key infrastructure
- ([ PKI])
- to be put in place.
- Certificates holding the public keys for each client need to be
- available in the server's user repository, and the private keys
- have to be deployed on each client machine. Issuing the certificates
- for all clients is itself a complex task.
- === Further Reading ===
- [ The J2EE 1.4 
Tutorial, Security] (SUN)
- [ RFC 2617: HTTP Authentication: Basic and 
Digest Access Authentication]
- [ J2EE Form Based 
Authentication] (
- [ Wikipedia: Public Key 
- [ RFC 2246: The TLS Protocol Version 1.0]
- [ RFC 3546: Transport Layer Security (TLS) 
- -------
- == Server Performing Login for Client ==
- Once in a while, somebody wants a server or proxy to perform login to a 
different site on behalf of the client,
- then handing the session over to the client. Since the authentication is 
already performed by the server or proxy,
- the client is not supposed to ask the user for credentials.
- In general, this is '''not possible'''. We mean it. It is '''not''' possible. 
- Unless very specific conditions are met, there is '''no way'''.
- === Why It Should Not Work ===
- Imagine you are a server called Bob.
- Alice logs in to you, providing her credentials.
- Then Charlie appears, trying to access Alice's data.
- Charlie has no credentials, he just says: "Alice logged in on my behalf."
- Sounds fishy, does it not?
- ''Would you believe Charlie?''
- So, what are the conditions which might allow this to happen anyway?
- Firstly, authentication must apply to a session rather than the individual 
- This usually implies form-based authentication (see above) and the existence 
of a session ID.
- Secondly, the server configuration must be a bit negligent regarding security.
- The rest depends on the type of session tracking.
- === URL-based Session Tracking ===
- If the user session is tracked in the URL, the handover is simple.
- Just send the URL including the session ID from the proxy or server to the 
- If the server does not notice the change of the client IP address, you are 
- A URL with session identifier could look like this:
- === Cookie-based Session Tracking ===
- If the user session is tracked with a session cookie, the handover is 
- If your server or proxy is in the same domain as the site you want to login 
- you can send the session cookie obtained from the target site on to the 
- setting it at the domain level.
- This may or may not work, depending on additional security checks by the 
- It may interfere with session tracking of other servers in the same domain,
- causing 'inexplicable' malfunctions of seemingly unrelated web applications 
for the client.
- [[BR]]
- A better solution would be to create a Single Sign-On (SSO) domain for your 
server or proxy and the target site.
- Check the documentation of your application server(s) for information on 
Single Sign-On.
- If your server or proxy is ''not'' in the same domain as the site you want to 
login to, you are out of luck.
- [[BR]]
- ''If you find a way to make this work across domains, please report a 
security vulnerability against the browser.''
- If you don't know what all that stuff about cookies and domains means,
- you shouldn't implement this kind of security sensitive application in the 
first place.
- === Further Reading ===
- [ Wikipedia: Alice and Bob]
- [ Java 
EE 5 Tutorial: Session Tracking]
- [ Wikipedia: Cross-site 
- [ Wikipedia: Single sign-on]
- -------
- == Proxy Configuration ==
- HttpClient takes proxy configuration data from
- objects. These can either be passed explicitly when a method is executed 
(!HttpClient 3.1), or the default
- configuration stored in the !HttpClient object is used.
- Some of our users have the requirement to pick up external proxy 
- The following sections discuss some options for obtaining external proxy 
configuration data.
- [[BR]]
- Please note that !HttpClient is designed to yield predictable results for 
applications in need of an embedded
- HTTP implementation. If !HttpClient would automatically pick up external 
configuration data, predictability
- would be lost. Therefore, it remains the responsibility of the 
''application'' to obtain proxy configuration data
- and to pass it to !HttpClient. We will consider to provide helpers for this 
task if patches are contributed,
- but the responsibility for calling such helpers would still remain with the 
- === System Properties ===
- Up to and including Java 1.4, the standard Java implementation of HTTP, which 
is accessible through the
- [ 
- class, expects proxy configuration data in system properties. The names of 
the properties
- that affect different protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP,...) have changed over 
time. The two most
- prominent examples are {{{http.proxyHost}}} and {{{http.proxyPort}}}.
- You can read the values of these properties and supply the configuration as 
shown in the example below.
- [[BR]]
- Note that other properties will also affect the standard Java HTTP 
implementation, for example
- a list of proxy exemptions in {{{http.nonProxyHost}}}. It is your application 
which must decide
- whether the external proxy configuration is applicable or not.
- {{{
-  String proxyHost = System.getProperty("http.proxyHost");
-  int proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("http.proxyPort"));
-  String url = "";;
-  HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager());
-  client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(30000);
-  client.getHostConfiguration().setProxy(proxyHost,proxyPort); 
-  GetMethod get = new GetMethod(url);
-  get.setFollowRedirects(true);
-  String strGetResponseBody = null;
-  try {
-      int iGetResultCode = client.executeMethod(get);
-      strGetResponseBody = get.getResponseBodyAsString();
-  } catch (Exception ex) {
-      ex.printStackTrace();
-  } finally {
-      get.releaseConnection();
-  }
- }}}
- Since Java 5.0, the
- [ 
- class allows for a more flexible, per-connection proxy configuration of the 
default HTTP implementation.
- Because !HttpClient 3.1 is compatible with Java 1.2, it cannot support that 
class directly.
- However, your application can make use of the default {{{ProxySelector}}} to 
pick up the
- standard proxy configuration and pass it to !HttpClient.
- !HttpClient 4.0 requires Java 5 and will include an optional proxy selection 
- based on {{{ProxySelector}}}. If you choose to obtain your proxy 
configuration elsewhere,
- you will of course still be able to do that, too.
- === Operating System Settings ===
- On Linux and Unix systems, a proxy on the operating system level is typically 
set in environment variables.
- The Java method for reading environment variables is
- Unfortunately, it is deprecated and not even implemented in some Java 
versions (JDK 1.4?).
- The recommended replacement is to pass relevant environment variables as 
system properties by using
- {{{-Dname=value}}} options when starting your application. See above for 
reading a proxy configuration
- from system properties. Of course you can use custom property names in order 
to pass values without
- affecting the default HTTP implementation.
- [[BR]]
- If using {{{-D}}} options is not feasible and you are stuck with a JVM that 
does not implement {{{System.getenv}}},
- you can try to run a shell script using
- The shell script should print the relevant environment variables to standard 
output, from where your
- application can parse them.
- On Windows systems, the proxy configuration is typically set in the registry.
- You can either use
- [ native code]
- to read the registry, or try to run a shell script (batch file) as mentioned 
for the Linux/Unix case.
- ''If you know something about proxy settings on Mac OS, please share that 
- You can edit this Wiki page directly, or send a mail to one of our
- [ mailing lists].''
- === Browser Settings ===
- When an applet uses 
- [ 
- the Java plug-in running the applet will automatically pick up the proxy 
configuration of the browser,
- and also cookies stored in the browser. This is described in the
Java plug-in Developer Guide]
- for JDK 1.4,
 chapter 5]
- and
 chapter 7]
- respectively. While this documentation explains the complexity of obtaining 
the proxy configuration,
- it does not mention a public API from which an application could pick it up.
- Since Java 5.0, you can use the default 
- [ 
- mentioned in the section on system properties above. When running in the Java 
- it will provide access to the browser proxy configuration.
- [[BR]]
- ''If you know how to access the browser proxy configuration in previous 
versions of the Java plug-in,
- please share that information. You can edit this Wiki page directly, or send 
a mail to one of our
- [ mailing lists].''
- [[BR]]
- ''If you know how to access the browser cookie store from an applet, please 
share that information too.
- Send a mail to one of our 
[ mailing lists]
- or start a new section in this Wiki page.''
- === Further Reading ===
- [ Networking 
Properties], Java 1.4
- [ Java Networking 
and Proxies], Java 5.0
- [ Java Native 
- [ Java Plug-in], 
Java 1.4
 Proxy Configuration], Deployment Guide for Java 5.0

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