Hi Oleg

I also have a question on the Shared buffer class.. in SharedInputBuffer::consumeContent() <http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-core/httpcore-nio/xref/org/apache/http/nio/util/SharedInputBuffer.html#80> why do you suspendInput if totalRead > 0? This does not mean that the buffer is full.. and we could read more? If I change this condition to " if (totalRead > 0) && !this.buffer.hasRemaining()) " my keep alives "seems" to work.. but I am not sure if this is right or just lucky..


This is clearly a bug. My bad. Many thanks for tracking it down. I
committed the change to the SVN trunk. Could you please re-test Synapse
against the latest SVN snapshot and let me know if the problem still
It works now :-) !.. Since we depend on 4.0-beta-1 for now, I have duplicated the class within Synapse until we upgrade..


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