Hi Oleg

Thanks for the reply.. I was going through the archives from about 2 years back as well, and saw a suggestion from you that we should expect situations like this and retry at the higher levels, and now this makes sense to me. We will handle this situation from within Synapse


Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 12:46:54PM +0530, Asankha C. Perera wrote:
When using keep-alive connections, Apache Synapse needs to ensure that a connection is not just about to be closed after the expiration of the socket timeout. The HttpConnection.isStale() tells of the expensive - but guaranteed way to make sure of this, by making a blocking call on the socket. However, this is not possible when we are non-blocking, and the NHttpConnectionBase does not do this full check.

Is this something that I have missed, or is this something we still have to implement?


Hi Asankha

HttpConnection#isStale() is only applicable to blocking connections, as
in the blocking I/O model there is no way to test if a socket is still
valid on both sides other than performing a read operation on that
socket. #isStale() is basically meaningless for NIO connections. I very
much regret not having moved the method to a blocking I/O specific

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