Hi Oleg / Odi
> On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 11:04 +0100, Ortwin Glück wrote:
>> Answering myself again :-
>>> In theory yes. But you get the ACCEPT ready *once* only. So if you ignore 
>>> it,
>>> you forget that a channel was ready and you can end up never accepting it. 
>>> So
>>> not registering for OP_ACCEPT in the first place when you can't handle new
>>> sockets is a must.
>> I may be wrong here, and you get ACCEPT ready over and over again until you
>> actually accept. That's equally bad because you end up with a busy wait.
> I guess it should be possible to turn off interest in OP_ACCEPT
> notifications on that channel and turn it on again once the server is
> ready to accept more connections. Control logic might get quite complex,
> though.
I think turning off interest in OP_ACCEPT will prevent a busy loop, and
be the ideal solution.. This takes me back to HTTPCORE-127 where I
wanted the client to see a connection refused.. so this new requirement
is slightly different, as now I simply want to delay acceptance of

I will try to see how complex it would be to expose this.. and if the
effort is worth it


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